Is there a tally of the amount of times Veronica Mars's full name is used per episode?

Jun 19, 2011 22:24

I think my favorite thing about the A.V. Club's reviews of Avatar: The Last Airbender-other than the analysis which is typically excellent-is that there is a commenter named Avatar Ship-O-Meter. On how many levels is this great? Let's count:

1. The commenter is named "Avatar Ship-O-Meter." Instant hilarity.
2. It posts once per review, not over-staying its welcome.
3. The shipping conversations were going to happen. This channels them into one thread as opposed to having them pop up like mushrooms in multiple threads.
4. The rating it always delivers last "Watercest: Is Wrong" is accurate and memeable.

My only issue it that it only ranks the straight pairings. No love for Zukaang?

So far, the only A.V. Club classic reviews I've been actively following this summer are The Real World, Avatar, and Veronica Mars; I've only been watching along with the last two. Here are some quick, too long for Twitter thoughts about them.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: The first episode an a half are just okay, then around the mid-point of the second people start throwing fireballs and tornadoes at each other and it takes a turn for the awesome. By episodes 3 and 4 writing starts to click, the jokes start landing ("More tea, please."), and the characters begin to feel real. I was planning on watching 2 or 4 episodes a week. That turned into 2 or 4 a day.

One slightly lengthy, mildly spoilery sidetrack. I love the concept of the Avatar being reborn in an elemental cycle. It's fantastic that the writers got reincarnation into an American "kids' show." It sets up a lot of good courses for the plot to chart (e.g. the bad guys can't just stab Aang because he'd just come back in a few years and they'd have to catch him again) and it allows the hero to be a boy and a girl (at least in past lives). The show can be a bit on the nose with gender issues,, I'll save it for another entry.

Veronica Mars: So far I've only watched episodes I've seen in the past (I think episode 6 is where I stopped). I'm watching it at a slower clip than Avatar because I can't gorge on it. I need time to digest each episode as they are fairly dense and occasionally, emotionally draining. That makes it sound horrible, but it's actually enjoyable. It just requires a lot of you, but I think it is worth it.

One thing that still surprises me is how well the pop culture references the show swims in hold up. Maybe because 2004 wasn't that long ago.

atla, best thing ever, tv

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