Hey all! Last call to sign up to get a
Holiday Card if you're international. I'd love to send you a little something, so if you'd like, hop on over to that post and leave me your address! All comments on that post are screened, but you can also shoot me a PM. I've only had a few people sign up, and I'd love to send more--I'm a gift-giving junkie!
If you missed it, I recently posted a commentary on an article I found about
Fanfiction, and I hope that more of you get a chance to at least read the article, even if you don't read my commentary or leave a comment. I think that anybody who's ever written fanfiction should read it, as it puts to words a few things that I think a lot of us have thought, and have never actually put to words. And as a final enticement...it mentions Harry Potter. And Star Trek.
Read! *points at previous post* General update...I like my new job. I've got loads of mandatory overtime right now, though, and the schedule sucks, so I have no life. Curse the general populous' inability to figure out a simple electronic device known as a smart phone! Still dating a fantastic guy whom I love dearly, and I'm actually going out of the country for the first time in my life to spend Christmas with his family.
On the note of writing, has anybody ever used the writing program
Scrivener? I had a friend point it out to me, and she seems to really like it, and I'm considering getting it for a few friends for Christmas. If you've used it, lemme know what you thought. Also on the note of writing...I really am trying to work on a couple ideas. I miss writing, and I need the outlet. Fingers crossed