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Jan 17, 2009 01:19

By the end of every year, the main tv channel here in Brazil makes a retrospective on everything that happened in the course of this year, nationally and internationally.
And, watching it, I started to make a retrospective in my own life. I realized so much happened this year and that I have grown so much.
I spent last New Year’s Eve at Chile again, thinking it would be like a honeymoon for me and my boyfriend. Unfortunately, it seems, all I got was to push him away. I went on a cruise with my parents, then to Cabo Frio with him. And that’s when he broke up with me. Until now, I can’t explain exactly why he did it.
Then school’s last year started, and so did pre-vestibular course at pH. All I could think about was studying and the anxiety, not knowing if I would be able to achieve my dreams. And I prayed. I prayed God and uncle Ralph to help me hang on and keep fighting.
UERJ came, I got an A and forgot about it. As I didn’t quite have winter vacations, the next few months passed as a blur. I only remember spending a weekend at Argentina. Until ENEM. And there again I got a good grade. And them came school teacher’s strike.
After that, I can’t remember spending much time at Cap (my school). All I remember was studying, and studying, and studying. And changing my career. And feeling extremely happy with it, contradicting everything I’ve always believed in.
In 2008, I made new friends, got rid of some, became closer to others. Now, I can say I feel better inside my own skin. I feel like I’ve been doing things in a proper way. Although I might still make a lot of mistakes, I was abel to learn with some of the things that happened, starting by how-to-drink-and-not-pass-out.
In the overall, it was a nice year. A tough one, for sure. But a transition that is necessary and healthy.

To make a note, I just didn't got into one of all the universities I apply for. Yet, as I still have some minor chance.
I might go to Ibmec study International Relations and to UERJ for Public Relations. I'm supposing this first semester will be a lot of fun. =)
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