buffy season 7

Jun 22, 2004 14:27

well, i finished up season seven a couple of nights ago. what a crazy ending! i never thought for a second that buffy could destroy the hellmouth, as it's always been such an integral part of sunnydale. and now there's no sunnydale!

the end was kind of ambigous. i like to think that xander, willow and buffy will remain best friends, and that kennedy and willow end up getting married. i thought they were beyond cute together. kennedy said she'd be the string to willow while she flied like a kite being all witchy - so sweet! i miss tara a lot but i was really happy that willow found another relationship. it was really creepy when willow turned into warren - i really hate warren. i think he was the worst villain in the entire show.

i ended up really liking andrew a lot. he was funny and very cute and he likes to document everything and bake, like me! my favourite episode of the season was "first date". it was exciting because i got to find out about principal wood and how he was the son of the bad-ass vampire slayer, nikki. also, it introduced my favoruite potential, chao-ahn. i laughed when she said: "like many from asia, i am lactose intolerant" and no-one understood what she was saying.

xander went on a date with ashanti! it was funny because she was buying rope and he asked her id she was buying it for "sexy, funky fun!" if i was ashanti, i would have turned my back on being a demon and gone on the straight and narrow for xander. but she drank really strong coffee and tried to kill him! it was funny when xander came back home after his date from hell (literally) and said to willow, "i'm going gay. come on, gay me up!" when xander lost his eye i actually cried. i was very shocked and upset. i liked it when xander was checking out a girl dancing sexily in the bronze and said "daddy like!" and when he realised it was dawn he said "oh no! daddy doesn't like!" ha ha.

i also loved the episode "selfless" because it was all about anya. the song she sang for xander was so cute it made me really upset. why did he leave her at the alter? i still can't get over it! they were such a perfect couple! and at the end, anya dies! where's the justice? that really upset me for real.

spike was quite boring this season, because he spent half his time in the basement being insane and singing to himself and mysetriously siring people and being in love with buffy. it was interesting how he made his mum into a vampie and then killed her, though. faith came back! i don't like her because she tried to strangle xander in season three. this time she had sex with principal wood, who i wanted to fall in love with buffy! buffy was great in this season. i was on her side the whole time. she rescued everyone and was totally brave and beautiful.
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