do we need to ask who I stole this from???

May 28, 2009 22:14

Now, here's what you're supposed to do. . . Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag as many of your friends as you'd like to.
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Kissed any one of your Facebook friends? --- yeah, but since I can't remember who I have on there I can't say how many exactly
Been arrested? --- nope
Kissed someone you didn't like? --- yeah, not so great
Slept in until 5 PM? --- no
Fallen asleep at work/school? --- now there's a silly question...
Held a snake? --- yes
Ran a red light? --- yes
Been suspended from school? --- never
Experienced love at first sight? --- no
Totaled your car in an accident? --- thankfully no
Been fired from a job? ---no
Fired somebody? --- no, but there are a couple of people I'd like to axe
Sang karaoke? --- Yes
Pointed a gun at someone? --- nope
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? --- yeah
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? --- once when I was a kid
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? --- more than one
Kissed in the rain? --- yes and it was just as hot as I thought it would be
Had a close brush with death --- not that I can recall
Sang in the shower? --- yes
Smoked a cigar? --- ummm gross?
Sat on a rooftop? --- yes... and then I realized I was stuck (not a place to hang out when afraid of heights)
Taken pictures of yourself naked? --- yeah, for Dane when he was away last summer, but hopefully they were deleted when he wiped the hard drive
Smuggled something into another country? --- nope
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? -- no, but I did it to someone else
Broken a bone? --- no
Skipped school? --- only in college
Eaten a bug? --- statistically we eat 8 bugs a year in our sleep
Sleepwalked? ---no
Walked a moonlit beach? --- yes
Rode a motorcycle? --- yes
Dumped someone? --- yes
Forgotten your anniversary? --- never
Lied to avoid a ticket? --- nope, told the truth about my lack of a/c in July and staying in a hotel and the bastard still gave me a ticket
Ridden on a helicopter? --- no, not sure I trust them
Shaved your head? -- not planning to, my head's too lumpy
Played a prank on someone? --- who hasn't?
Hit a home run? --- no
Felt like killing someone? --- YES
Cross-dressed? --- does it count when I run around in Dane's clothes?
Been falling-down drunk? --- no, but I want to get smashed on my 25th this year
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? --- once
Eaten snake? --- no, but you could probably trick me into eating it
Marched/Protested? -- nope, only petitions
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? --- no
Puked on amusement ride? --- close, but no cigar
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? --- yes
Been in band? --- yes if you count school
Knitted? --- I tried and failed miserably
Been on TV? --- yes
Shot a gun? --Yes
Skinny-dipped? --- no, seems too dirty for me
Gave someone stitches? --- no
Eaten a whole habenero pepper? --- dude, I just got okay with bell peppers
Ridden a surfboard? --- no, I need to get over my fear of deep water and sharks first
Drank straight from a liquor bottle? --- yeah
Had surgery? --- yes, oral
Streaked? --- God no
Taken by ambulance to hospital? ---no
Tripped on mushrooms? --- never
Passed out when not drinking? --- haha, yeah, I was exhausted
Had sex? *eg*
Donated Blood/Plasma? --- no, I can't stand the smell in the rooms
Grabbed electric fence? --- um, no
Eaten alligator meat? --- again, you could probably trick me into it
Eaten cheesecake? --- yes and don't like it
Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? --- I probably would if I had kids
Killed an animal when not hunting? -- sort of... I was aiming to hit the pigeon
3 kinds of sex? -- what counts as a type of sex?  I'm not sure I get this one...
Snuck into a movie without paying? --- no
Written graffiti? --- no
Think about the future? --- oh, only all the time
Been in handcuffs? --- no
Believe in love? -- yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? --- yes and I attack Dane when he tries to take it from me

bored, meme

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