Finale thoughts- part 1

May 16, 2009 13:15

I'm going to do this without revealing anything since my lj cut thing selectively hates me.

CSI:NY brought me to tears.  Great episode.  I'm starting to hate these cliffhangers with a burning passion.

CSI had one of the worst finales I've ever seen.  Maybe it would have been better if there was more Catherine, Nick, or Greg, I don't know.  Every time Riley opens her mouth I have the overwhelming urge to punch her.  And I'm getting tired of this being the Laurence Fishbourne show.  Even when Grissom was still there, he didn't overwhelm the show like this.  I was actually looking forward to seeing more Catherine after he left.  I'm just sorely dissappointed.  I would say that I'll stop watching, but after being a fan for 6 years that's a little hard.  It's just losing favor with me.

Bones had me confused until the end.  I'll leave it at that.

Still waiting on House, NCIS, and Criminal Minds.  It'd be fantastic if I didn't have to spend a summer wondering who died (again).  I'd really love that.  Part 2 of this will be up next week when I watch everything.

Now I get to go to the bridal shower I never really wanted to begin with...

wedding, bones, finales, tv shows, csi:ny, csi

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