Passed my math placement test today. That's a big relief, not only because I had to pass in order to register for my econ summer class, but also because it means I still remember something from high school (though I did have to study for a few days before I could take the test, but come on, who among us really knows the quadratic formula without looking it up? No science/math types are allowed to answer that. In fact, no matter who you are, if you knew it without looking it up, just don't answer, okay? ;-D).
In other RL news
, DH and I took our cats to the vet yesterday for their shots and a checkup. Poor darlings were scared to death, and I almost started crying. They were very good, though. No scratching, hissing, or attempting to run away. Poor Cameron did poop on the examining table. But hey, who knows what I'd do if a giant grabbed me, took me to some strange, unknown land, plopped me down on a cold, metal table, and stuck a few needles in me!
In fandom affairs, I'm never going to get through all of the
sshg_exchange fics before the big reveal. But I've enjoyed the 10 or so I've read so far. Speaking of fanfic to read, I have a long list of friends' fics that I'd like to catch up on over the summer. I've posted my list below; if you have a fic you'd like me to read and it's not on this list, please comment! Also, if I've forgotten about a fic of yours that I've been reading, please say something. I'm very bad about keeping up, as you all know, but I'd like to try, at least during the summer!
Insiduous (Snape, gen)
Getting Harry Back (Gen)
The Summoning (SS/HG)
No Good Deed (SS/OFC)
At Any Moment II (SS/HG)
Consequences (Tonks/Charlie)
Into the Fold (Snape, gen)
The Deliverance of Sirius Black (SB/OFC)
However Far Away (DM/PP)
Becoming (SS/HG) - Actually, I just caught up on this one, but I decided to keep it here in case anyone else was interested in the link...
Five Stories about Gwenog Jones (Gen)
stephanie206's fic, "Transition," if I can convince her to let me see it (Barty Crouch, Jr.)
the_bitter_word's fic ... if I can find it! (Snape, gen)
the_portkey's fic
Gooseberry (RL/NT)
vanityfair00's fic
Sweet Mercy (SS/HG)
Wow, look at all of that shiny fic! ;-D
Okay, don't be shy. If you have something you'd like to add, please do so in the comments. Thanks!