Mar 09, 2007 16:38
If payment is made for an invoice, payment is marked against said invoice, yes?
Noooo, instead we shall lose the payment in our miscellaneous bulk invoice of till sales *nodnod* That makes more sense, because then irritable accounting types will not know that payment has been made and will harass client for money, resulting in angry client type person and boss stating that this mess must be fixed by accounting types because he dislikes soothing ruffled feathers.
Naturally it is fixable - with the rattling of calculators and liberal application of tippex upon both software and paperwork (maybe not literally as far as the software is concerned, though that would be fun) - but WHY? Why could they not just do it properly in the first place?!
Just when my end of year figures were looking so nice and neat too, bugger it. Roll on 5.30pm.