May 26, 2005 19:06
I'm dizzy from cleaning so much today. Where does all that dust go? IN YO FACE!!! So I finally got my own computer again. YAY!!!!!!!!! My first & last computer was a bottom-of-the-line model from like 1998. My sister sold me her very new one for only 200 bucks, wow! Now I can stalk more hot Icelandic boys on MySpace, read even more celebrity gossip, & post even more drunken LJ entries! We can all look forward to THAT. Oh, and maybe I'll finally write those stories that will change the world and propel me to megastardom.
I've paid off so many bills/ tickets/ etc. this month. I feel very responsible, but I'm also very broke. Hopefully I can stay on top of things & start saving for many vacations. I haven't gone anywhere cool in maybe... 5 or 6 years. I used to go, go, go & I miss it like crazy. Destinations: Iceland, Vegas, Ireland (again & again!), England, Italy... At this point, I really don't give a shit about my fear of flying. I DO give a shit about my fear of not doing the things that make me happy.