Checking in...

Jun 05, 2013 20:11

It's been a rough couple of weeks, and I've been laying low for the most part. A few of you already know this, but I had to have my dear, sweet kitty put to sleep two weeks ago. I had the little guy for fourteen years, and after the initial combination of shock/relief (he was very, verysick at the end), I'm just feeling, well, kinda low.

I did spend a good week working on artwork, both personal and fannish, but for the past couple of days, I've just been in a good old-fashioned funk. I miss my kitty, and I miss having him waiting at the door and meowing his head off when I come home. I've been spending extra hours at work the past few days because I just don't want to come home.

I do think I'll get another cat, but not in the immediate future.

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