Jan 22, 2018 09:36
The Birthday Bash for Cecil was a great success (I survived altho sometimes I wondered IF I would). I made a killer lasagna and an awesome salad and we picked up some cupcakes from his favorite cupcake place. I actually cleaned off the bead stuff from the dining table and Mary and another dear friend joined us for dinner. Nate helped me in the kitchen as I was cooking too, he does his best.
This year has really started off with a bang but all the deadlines and stress are not doing my innards any good despite the fact that I am really trying to be moderate in my habits (i.e. eating or drinking the right stuff, meditating and chair/bed yoga, etc.) I had diarrhea for five days straight with no pain or cramps...just the stress and my IBS. Not fun but am slowly getting my crap (literally) taken care of: paperwork for our taxes, framing CBL's new stuff, his new (2nd edition) colorbook; my new jewelry in progress; organizing and cleaning my studio (gargantuan task that is long overdue and may never be completed); the garden pruning, cleaning, and planting; and the everyday chores of housekeeping and taking care of the guys health needs. Whew! No wonder I am stressed out! (Beathe SooZ and take it easy...you need to take a break!)
And everyone seems to be getting the flu especially those that get out and about amongst the masses of people which I try and avoid (like the plague!) No flu shots for us...plus all I know that are infected had gotten one. With my over active immune system...not going there. And I try and avoid the masses of humanity if I need to go out by doing so at odd hours when few are there and by rigorous hand washing. At least, here, the winter weather has been exceedingly mild compared to some and I keep our thermostat at 60 degrees. I have several layers of clothes, a 'house hat' and 'fingerless gloves' that I wear inside and out when I go out on the deck to watch my birds and have a puff. The boys also layer themselves too. Going out of a 'hothouse' into the cold and back doesn't seem healthy.
Believe me, I am not a luddite (look it up), I have all the accouterments of the modern world that make life easier (and some that don't!) but our ancestors were a hardy bunch (those that survived) because they toiled in less than pristine environments. You have to be tough (like Nate) to survive all that nature throws your way...
My mantra "Trust in the Universe" seems especially relevant right now because I have so many unanswered questions about what is happening (or not) in my life. But life goes on...no matter what and everything I learn is a lesson. Everything I see is an answer... I just hope that I can see it before the curtain comes down. (Cue dramatic music. Hah!)