Ok. So its Saturday and I of course TIVO'd Big Brother 6 cause tonight was me and my sexy man's night. It was supposed to be just the evening cause he was gonna go work this AM. But he woke up sick. Booo. I really guessed he was gonna sick. He was runnin' himself to hard and so now I am just sad and wanna cuddle him up and make him fell all betta. *kisses all over* Baby, I hope you feel all betta soon!
So we watched moves and lounged out all night. After we totally or (HE) totallys slept all day. We laid in bed and cuddled and slept. Mostly sleeping. I swear it felt kinda good though. I got all caught up on sleep and stuff. Then we talked to his mom on the phone and thats always fun. ahahaha. Anywho!
So yeah. Dummie Howie went and turned against his alliance. Hmm. was this a good move? I can not tell yet. See I have this horrible feeeling that most Americans fell for Kappy (Wappy Sappy Mappy) and if he gets voted back in Howie probably did a good thing. Yeah he lied. But come on peopleeee the game is really about lying and sneaking and trying to win. I always find it funny (as I have said before) when people are like "but I loveddd Howie and now he turned against his alliance; now I must not like him." Well hello, this is the premise of Big Brother. It is built on the fact that you must do what you have to do to stay in the game. Was James a threat? In my opinion James is smart (Smarter than ya'll think) I mean he plays Sara off as the dummie, comes off as the asshole, lies a lot AND always makes friends with whomeva he wants for that WEEK. This is smart. He plays the game week by week instead of like pure to the end this is what matters the most. Yeahh in the oustide world if he would have stabbed someone in the back, it would be like baddd James with no morales and stuff. He is not a person I wanna be friends with. But he did this INSIDE the game people. Hmm. I really think he was tryin' to save his own ass. I think he thinks more along my lines and has a feeling Kappy is coming back and not Kaysar. If Kaysar comes back *crosses fingers and votesssss* then FAWKKK James. But the truth is that most of the people were really sad when Eric left and felt he had been stabbed in the back. I dunno. I hope he does not come back, but I do have this feeling he will.
Which I must say even if he DOES come back this does not mean that Eric is gonna save his ass. I mean Eric will play hard core and will only try to save the people whom were always TRUE to him. Like PAM IYVETTE and MAGGIE and even BEAU. I dont think he will use HOWIE for anything than a pawn. Unless Eric comes back in the house and HOWIE does something to impress him. Hmm. I dunno. Right now its anyones game.
This is a good show. I really have enjoyed the people they picked this time around. They really KNOW HOW to play Big Brother and are not all just like "IM NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING IMMORAL." Which dont get me wrong. I live with God beside me everyday (And still do mean things and make mistakes. I ain't nooo perfect Christian Yo.) But if you are coming to play a Ruthless game the real way to play is like James is doin' it and even Howie. An Alliance is only as strong as the people in it. If you see your alliance is breakin' apart YOUR ASS betta get back and KISS The other sides ass. This is just typical game playin' strategy. NOwwwww. kiddies if you are playing Monopoly or Life or Mouse Trap or somethin' ; this is different. Those games are built upon playing HONESTLY. But this game is not. TV is not in general. Neither is Hollywood or the whole fake I wannabe an LA lame-o scene. Its all crappy ass people that wanna stab each other in the back for the next big thing. If you live in LA and are not like this props to you. But believeeee me I have met my fair share as I am sure many of you have also!
So yeah. I am waitin' for Tuesday. Really for Thursday. The most important is whos bein' voted back in. I mean that will change the course of the game. I really hope its Kaysar. He is milessss smarter than Kappy. He just showed his cards too soon. That was his mistake. Kappy rules like Hitler in my opinion.
Boo. Yo. And if you are hatin' on Martha Stewart too all the time. Lemme tell ya somethin! Everyone of US makes mistakes. I've made plenty. I've Done mean things and am not proud of them. I was even really mean to a girl on LJ. Just for the hell of it cause it was really easy to piss her off and make her all like Booo Die. slut. and She would even try to call me names and think it hurt my feelings. Man I dont know how many nights me and my friends got a laugh at that biotch. But still that was wrong of me. I realized that quickly. You just can not be mean to people. Anyway all I am sayin' is that we all need to look within' ourselves at our own problems before we hate everone else. Yeah I rant about TV shows and MYSPACE (the weirdo rapist center) I make mistakes and am not perfect. But at least I can see that. I have seen a few people (in REAL life mind you. At MY work. I am not talkin' about anyone on LJ) who are like this. I just wish the world could get along betta. Ha ha. Anyway I know that will neva happen. But seriously people pick your battles. I learned that the hard way with that girl off LJ. I mean mannn she was seriously effected by what I did. I was wrong. I am even sorry. I wouldn't say that to her cause she is mean and stuck up and might just blow me off. But in my heart and to my God; He knows that I apologized and asked for forgivness on that chickkkk. Ok. Anyway. I guess I am saying Judge yourself than after you are done if you have time judge others. ahahaha. Whateva Martha Stewart does not really matter here. The point is that I just slowly realized today from this girl at my work that people are mean and hateful. I am glad I am not like that. And for the times I was like that. I was not bein' real and I really PAID for that. I mean god totally humbled me when he gave me this disease. He really made me see. He really made me understand. So yeah. All of my real friends know this fo sure about me but still. I just had to rant about her cause she bothered me today. I did not say anything to her cause I wanted to be the betta person and stuff. So I came home to rant on my LJ cause she never reads nor knows about this and plussss. I rant often. I mean that. Hey. Its my journal anyhow and this is what writing is all aboutttt.
ok. Yo. Bye. Now.