And It Gets Better...

Dec 16, 2005 21:46

Have you ever sat back and thought about how much one individual has fucked you over? Have you ever had the though that there is no way one certain person can fuck you over any more? And then it happens, that one person proves you worng. Thanks to a lovely phone call placed to my probation officer I am probably going to jail when I go andd see him on the 11th of next month. And when I say probably that means he said he was going to do me the favor of letting me spend Christmas with my family. He recieved a phone call telling him that I had changed my address without notifing him first (which I was planning on telling him when I went to see him this month because he never answers his phone) and telling him that I was no longer in school (which is part of my stipulations) so theres two violations...then he was told that I dont have a job (which I am supposed to be working at least 30 hours a week) Then he was told that I still do drugs and just use a system cleaner when I go in for my tests, and finally he violated me for non-payment. Now I know that a lot of this is my own fault, but I am looking for a new job, I was going to make a payment when I saw him this month, I am already enroled back in school, I quit doing drugs before I was even put on probation and the fact of the matter is...he never would have even pulled my file if he hadnt got that phone call!!! Now, the court fines and probation fees will be paid in full next week, like I said I am already back in school, he knows about my address change and I have not failed a drug test since Ive been on probation. I go in for a drug test on Monday and I am going to pay the extra money to have them check my system for everything including system cleaners. Chances are I am still going to do 90 days to a year because he was pretty pissed off on Wednesday when I talked to him, but maybe because I have everything in order he will give me a chance. I am just hoping that I have a job before I go see him and the judge on the 11th. So for now I am just praying for the best and ezpecting the worse. I have finally put my past behind me, I just hope my past will put me behind it. And as corny as it sounds, today is the first day of the rest of my life. This New Years Eve, Im toasting to a new begining.
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