The World Is Full Of Them....

Dec 12, 2005 14:21

Liars...Ignorant fucks that have to talk shit to make themselves feel better or make someone else look as if they are in the wrong when in all reality they are the ones who fucked up and now they gotta try to protect themselves by ripping apart someone elses life.

Cheaters...Ignorant fucks that have no idea what they have so they gotta go and fuck it all up by doing something stupid and totally off the wall that in the end rips apart someone elses feelings and makes them feel like they aint shit when in all reality the one who got fucked is the better person but nobody ever tells them or does anything to show them so they never know.

Thieves...Ignorant fucks that had the same exact opportunity as everyone else placed on the face of this earth but feel they have nothing so they gotta go and take it from someone else who has probably worked their ass off to get where they are in life just to make themselves feel better about their shitty, depressing, fucked up life.

Why is it that the good people always finish last? Why is it that the IGNORANT FUCKS of the world find love and happiness? Is it that they just have a figment in their fucked up imagination of what love and happiness is and when they find what they believe is real they make themselves out to be the worlds greatest? How does the one who did everything they were supposed to and made the best of a fucked up situation gets fucked in the end and hated by everyone else that was in the same situation only the other people lied, cheated and stole to make the best out of it. I hate the way this fucked up world works. You tell the truth and they still sit back and say they cant trust do I know your the one telling the truth...Fuck it...I cant take it no more...Im to the point where im ready to cut off all ties with everyone I know or once knew and start over...a whole new life where there are no familiar past lies to keep up past nothing....only me and new faces...Im done trying to help people because I ALWAYS get fucked in the end...Im done putting my heart on the line because it always gets broken in the end...Im done listening to peoples problems because mine never get heard...Im just done.

I get off of probation in August and none of you will hear from me after that. I seriously dont think that there is anything that can make me change my mind now. I started this year off great...I had a bunch of friends that I actually thought gave a shit if I lived or died...I got out of what was probably the shittiest relationship I have ever been "friends" gave me one hell of a "friends" meant the world to all of thats gone...half of you I dont even speak to anymore and the ones I do still speak to wont speak to me...over some BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BULLSHIT

I did what I was supposed to do, I took care of everything I was supposed to take care of, and I still get stuck coming out of 140$ for one bill, 60$ for another bill, and 200$ to hopefully try and save a friendship that means the fuckin world to me. HOW IS THAT FAIR. They say you get out of life what you put into much more do I have to put into it to get something in return?????????

Okay, now that this probably makes no sense to any of you who will actually read this Im gonna end it. But before I do I wanna say thanks and I love you to two of the people that will read this that have actually been true should know who you are.
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