[you gotta take the elevator to the mezzanine]

Nov 19, 2010 11:03

Here is my evening yesterday in completely unrelated photos. Bad picture quality AHOY.

Arashi Taiko at the CESL Cultural Night, somehow pinned to one place long enough to take this picture.



Returned to the dorms to change out of my happi and found a South American acoustic duo playing traditional music in the lounge. An exchange student from Angola and another from Hong Kong started doing a marvelous salsa to the Cuban song they are playing in this photo. Wish I'd gotten a picture of when Bellatrix Lestrange, Mad-Eye Moody, and Hermione Granger pelted through the lounge locked in battle, but alas, they were gone too fast. |D

Taken just outside Cate on my way to the Trigun Musical Tribute concert. At first I didn't like this photo; but I've decided now I do. I like the lights.

Considering I have this poster hanging in my room, you'd think I'd have a better picture of it. Apologies for the quality. But I adore this poster, so this will do. And the concert was really well done for a tiny amateur college thing with a barefoot flautist and twenty-five people in attendance - actually, I think that made it better.

Right before I went to sleep, I got this photo in a text from my dad, with the caption "Greetings from Chicago!" Made better because I was reading the Dresden Files at the time.

In short: Yesterday was like a cosmic reward for surviving the week. I'm so happy.

heck week: erledigt, this is oklahoma, drumming up a storm, the beautiful people, photopost, epic win, music: live, camera whore

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