[i want everything to change and stay the same]

Oct 22, 2010 10:48

So scheduling of classes has started. Gotta get a few more classes on there (WHY IS EVERYTHING GOOD IN THE MORNING ON THURSDAY) and get officially enrolled and make sure there's nothing with awesome honors credit I'm missing, but otherwise I'm set for next semester. I'm going to finish my prereqs, start on my IS major, and do more research and talking and digging and decide by next fall what I want my second major to be.

My parents want me to pick a "useful" major. I'm okay with doing this; it makes a lot of sense, and an IS major in combination with a "practical" one can open up a lot of opportunities. My dad wants me to go into finance or accounting. But it's not just stereotypes that make me want to run as far and as fast from accounting as I possibly can - see, I come from an illustrious line of accountants. Pretty much everybody (no, seriously, EVERYBODY) on my father's side of the family is an accountant. And while they are all successful people with white picket fences who own their houses and have everything paid off and never go anywhere... yeah, actually, there's the problem right there. Sometimes I feel ungrateful or entitled because the mere thought of living in one place with a cubicle job gives me the running willies. But. Jesus. Please let my cubicle at least change interesting locations, should I end up with one.

Possibilities for a useful second major: Law, International Business, International Business Law, Environmental Law, etc. I think I might end up following in the footsteps of the other side of the family no matter what I try. |D And, of course, there are a thousand other possibilities I have yet to look at, and I don't want to make a decision that'll make me miserable. I have five years to complete what amounts to three years of college. I can wait a semester to pick how to sign my life away.

My dad is scared I'm going to pick what he calls a Mickey Mouse Major. That I'm going to have shittons of fun, do lots of awesome geeky shit.... and never learn a damn thing in college. But because I am a greedy whore who wants everything, I'm not giving up this major that fascinates me just because I need to do something more practical with my life. I'll do something practical. I'll feed myself after I graduate. But I don't believe that I should abandon what I love just because I'm not going to get paid for it someday. I have the determination and the organization and the work ethic to do both, and to use what I learn.

...I am carefully keeping taiko hours open, though. Permit me that indulgence, Dad.

In other news: Jonesy and I are speaking again and it's pretty wonderful, because we have conquered the awkward and get to derp around and make chicken noises at confused passerby and geek out about Edgar Meyer together again, and we're going to see Easy A this weekend. This damned opera has devoured my soul but only three performances left I CAN DO THIS. A junior vocal performance major asked me on a date and I should have said no but I didn't and auuuuuuugh. My stuffed owl's name is Call Me Motherfucking Ishmael, Ishmael for short. Uh that's it I think.

Weekend, come to me. I need to sleep.

music major suicide, everyone is fond of owls, my exciting life, boys boys boys, make up your damn mind, mom

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