The long story of a good night and a nice after

Apr 25, 2009 11:07

Okay, I'm a little less frenetic now and sort of drifting in and out of consciousness, so it is the perfect time to update. I will start with last night because no one wants to hear the boring information between now and my last post. You see, on Wednesday or Thursday I sent my friend Kirstin a text asking if she wanted to get some martinis. Anyone who knows me knows that I love martinis. I have been craving one for the past month. She accepted the request, which was quite exciting for me. Kirstin is a girl who I have known for almost seven years now, and I have liked her through all of this time. I am almost positive that I have talked about her before, but she is really great. She is gorgeous, enjoyable to be around, funny, quite intelligent, etc. I could go on for maybe a paragraph or two on her, but I will keep that short. After hanging out with Kirstin, I went to 24 hours of anime, where I still am. I will cut my description of the two because they are quite long.

We were going to go out on Saturday night, which would be tonight, but on Thursday she asked if we could go out that night instead. I bit. I did not have any other plans anyway, and I would get to see her sooner, which is always cool. The problem with that was that I was not prepared at all. I was going to do laundry that night, clean up my bed, get some good clothes together (yes, I actually dressed up to go out with her, and I'm sorry there are no pictures because I really didn't look too shabby), clean my room, and maybe mentally prepare myself a bit some. I instead had about an hour or so to do all of the above. The fun part is that I got it all done, though the cleaning part got quite rushed as a result. I also got my brother to help me dress up, which really saved my life because I suck horribly at that. Anyone who knows me also knows that I have a pretty simple dress pattern, which consists of jeans and a shirt which is as plain as possible.

She got there early. About forty minutes earlier than I anticipated. It was hilarious. She dressed up too, mostly because we both said we were going to dress well for the event. Oh, what an event it was! I drove us to Fell's Point and we did some bar hopping. I got me an appletini, a chocolate martini, and a swedish fish, which is quite the delightful drink. She got the same amount of drinks but with a larger amount of swedish fish thrown in addition. There was much enjoyable conversation had and delightful delving into of each others lives. There was a little dancing, but only a little. I am going to say now, I got a little tipsy, which was gone by the time I drove home because we were out for quite awhile. She was DRONK! Way dronk! As in, she had way too much way too fast. On the way back, she quite a bit wobbly, and she ended up grabbing and holding my hand for support. Clearly, that is not a good way to maintain balance, so I threw an arm around her and held her hand in addition. That was the first time that I held her hand. She even commented on it. The walk back to the car was quite interesting. We sang happy birthday to an drunk girl who was celebrating her birthday, and I supported Kirstin in her walking efforts. When we actually got to the car, she kept holding my hand and passed the fuck out after a little bit. I was quite sober at this point, for those of you worrying that I drove drunk.

Now she actually helped me in getting to Fell's point because I am a little fuzzy on my Baltimore map. Since she passed the fuck out, I had to get back on my own. I remembered how to get back sort of, but I of course ended up turning about one or two streets too late. Therefore, I ended up going back the usual way I go back from Baltimore when I am not exactly sure of the way. I finagled my way to MLK Boulevard and then took that to 95. It works every time! When we got back, I really had to pee. I really had to pee when I got to the car, but I really freakin' had to pee when I got back. I left her in the car for a bit because I could not wait for helping her in and then peeing. It felt sooooo good to release that too. When I got back to my car to help her in, she started getting rid of all of the food she ate earlier. In other words, she vomited. A lot. Thankfully, it was all right outside of my car. She must have been doing this for about half an hour before I was finally able to get her up and walking into my house. Then she passed out on my bathroom floor for another hour or so and was quite unmovable. Then I somehow managed to get her up and help her to my bed, where she ended the night. Through all of this I of course did my best to be as supportive as possible to her. She apologized a lot, and kept saying hat I was really nice. It really was not that bad taking care of her honestly. I have dealt with much worse, and she is a pretty clean 'I drank too much' drunk.

I will emphasize that I had quite a good time that night. It was great and enjoyable, as hanging out with Kirstin tends to be. The morning after did not get any worse. To put it simply, I woke up around 5'ish in the morning, almost right after I had gotten to sleep, which kinda sucked, and my tumbly was rumbly. I got up to walk around for a bit and ended up eating some food and drinking some fruit juice, which ended up helping a bit. Then I got back to my room and she woke up a little after. A lot of the thereafter consisted of cuddling. a hell of a lot of some of the greatest cuddling I have ever experienced in my whole life. With still more conversation of various sorts, it was great. I will emphasize that there was nothing more that happened then cuddling. We are not dating. We did not kiss, we did not even talk about dating. Therefore, no jumping to conclusions. However, the conversation itself through all of this was interesting and hard to interpret for me...sort of.

See, she does not really have much interest in dating right now. She has had some bad experiences with boyfriends, and she is at the point where she feels like she is in a rut. I know how that is, it really sucks for her in that regard, really. She did somewhat recently finally discard her feelings for her ex-boyfriend that she was in love with for awhile. I know that she used to have feelings for me in the past, through my excellent skills of interpretation and some rather obvious clues that I was basically forced to ignore because...I was in a relationship at the time (damnit, Katie fucked me over in many many many ways >.<). At this point, about two years later, I really am not sure of how to well interpret the way she feels. There are some signs that there is definitely something there, but some of the things she said are a tad to the contrary in terms of what she wants, such as saying that she does not want relationships right now and talking about how she hates boys. Clearly she does not hate me of course. At this point, I am just gonna sorta ride it out and see what happens. Later, she asked if we could have a cuddle fest on Sunday, to which I agreed. She has my whole Sunday. It will be interesting.

After hanging out with Kirstin, I went to the 24 hours of anime event put on my the anime club at my school. I posted from there last night in the middle of some pretty hectic energy bursts and activities in the gaming part just outside of the anime showing. A friend told me to update my livejournal, and so I did, but it was a quick update. At some point, despite very little sleep, I got a huge energy boost and was running around a lot. I hung out with friends a lot until they I pretty much crashed from my energy around 1 am, which was around when they all wanted to go out and do something. I chose to go get my pillow and sleep on the ground somewhere in the club. Sleep is what I did do too, for about 3 hours. Then I woke up feeling a little refreshed around 4:30. There was an anime that was going to put up to be voted for at 6 am that is one of my favorite of all time that I really wanted to be put through, so I was happy to be awake for that. Sadly, the genre it was in wasn't picked yet, so I've been waiting ever since for the next genre voting so that I can vote it in. So far, no dice. However, it will get through for sure! I know it! As long as I am persistent, I shall not fail. The anime that I really want to go through is called Iria by the way. I love it, and I brought it just in case for Bring Your Own Anime, then got pleasantly surprised by it being up in one of the genre blocks.

Needless to say, I am still here at 24 hours of anime. It ends at 6 pm. I got another nap in at some point for about an hour, and I have been pretty awake ever since. I have been really happy for quite some time now, and now this happiness and part of the reason for that happiness has been shared with all of you. Enjoy your update of my life. Later gator.

bars, late nights, anime, kirstin, friends, cuddling, happy

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