Title: On Starless Waters Far Astray
empyPairing: Imrahil/James Norrington
Rating: R
edoraslassWarnings: AU crossover.
Disclaimer: LotR belongs to JRR Tolkien; PotC belongs to Disney. This is a work of fiction, and, as such, a pack of lies that the author derives no monetary benefit from.
edoraslass mentioned "some bizarre Norrington/Imrahil
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Comments 7
Even though I know Imrahil's not, say, a pirate, I was still a bit wary of him here. There's just so little way to tell what his actual intentions/conclusions are, or what he'll eventually decided to do to :) with James. Very unnerving! Though I did have a bizarre mental picture of Norrington fighting Corsairs in three years.
Thank you so much! *glee*
I'm happy and all kinds of relieved to hear that you liked the fic. It took on a life of its own, and I found myself typing at breakneck speed, trying to keep up with James and Imrahil. *g* As for the language twist: it was the first thing that popped into my head when I read the requested pairings, and would have been one of the reasons for leaving it, but it suddenly became one of the driving forces. Funny how things turn out, eh?
To reiterate: I'm so, so happy that you liked it. :D
And Imrahil! He's certainly appearing in all kinds of less-than-favorable lights in some of these stories, isn't he? He reminds me here as nothing so much as a great cat, toying with his prey. There's no need to treat Norrington so; he's obviously injured, dispirited, not a threat in the slightest. Imrahil's air of decadence, his ennui, is quite intriguing - that he would treat a stranger so, purely for his own entertainment, without any intimation of lust or passion or even a need to prove dominance ( ... )
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