Title: On Starless Waters Far Astray
empyPairing: Imrahil/James Norrington
Rating: R
edoraslassWarnings: AU crossover.
Disclaimer: LotR belongs to JRR Tolkien; PotC belongs to Disney. This is a work of fiction, and, as such, a pack of lies that the author derives no monetary benefit from.
edoraslass mentioned "some bizarre Norrington/Imrahil
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And Imrahil! He's certainly appearing in all kinds of less-than-favorable lights in some of these stories, isn't he? He reminds me here as nothing so much as a great cat, toying with his prey. There's no need to treat Norrington so; he's obviously injured, dispirited, not a threat in the slightest. Imrahil's air of decadence, his ennui, is quite intriguing - that he would treat a stranger so, purely for his own entertainment, without any intimation of lust or passion or even a need to prove dominance.
The surprising ending adds another surreal element to the tale - that poor Norrington is doomed to repeat this experience, over and over, until -- what? We can each try to imagine the fitting end.
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