Feb 12, 2008 23:19
So, today I went to Starbucks with Sarah to do some work. I started out reading some of my psych book, but then I was helping Sarah out with her CAS paper. Then I was talking about how I actually would rather be writing a paper than reading the book in front of me, and bam. Instant writing mood. And apparently this is what comes out. Oh randomness.
The aroma of newly brewed flavors lingers through the rhythmic notes that sail around the room. As the tune switches over to a new rhythmic beat, you are introduced to a window of conversations occuring in all directions. Some put their cups aside as they explain a complicated math problem to a fellow student. Others sip their lattes and whisper the latest gossip back and fourth. Some dont say a word. They sit alone, surrounded by food, coffee, and an overly large bookbag, pouring themselves wholy into their studies. So many different types of people pass through this room. Different personalities, different styles, different heritages, ages, and interests. As the overly stylish girl with her close knit group of friends leaves, the artsy, has her own style, girl with the blue hair takes her spot on the green velvety seat.
The chaos in the coffee shop is an everchanging sea, where as the coffee shop itself always holds the same values. The same drinks are poured, the same music is played, and the pictures on the walls are never moved. Some people find themselves practically living within these walls. And just as your life can be lived within the coffee shop, life can also be lived as the shop itself. The chaos that is life is ever changing day by day. Places, friends, family, interests, successes and losses; our lives play out like a never ending novel. We are however, always constant. No matter how our lives change, there is something about us that will still remain. Sometimes we lose it through all of the noise and commotion that surround us, but eventually we find the constant and try to hold onto it as best we can. Without even the smallest constant in our lives, the chaos would surely drive us to insanity, and our lives would become more like an infinite amount of broken records simultaneously playing than the never ending novel we are used to.
Constants are escapes. Something we can return to at any given time, under any given circumstance. True friends and family tend to be common social constants. Social constants are important. They help you to sort out thoughts that seem to be turning you in circles. Social constants are also there for pure comfort. Over time they become more comforting, and to just be with them with no pressure to converse can be just as important as having them sort through your confusion. There is not a lot of long term comfort found in being alone.
Solitude. Although in the long run, it is better to be surrounded by those you love and are loved by, there are those times when solitude is necessary to ease the mind. This is the relaxing constant of hobbies. To each his own, millions of different hobbies are able to relax and soothe the mind. Whether it is exercise, art, reading, watching TV, etc, sometimes a little time alone to do something alsone is exactly what a person needs, and to return to this type of constant can be a resourceful life saver.
To be continued. I was interrupted by the fact that I needed to head to class... Oh SBucks.