...at the craft festival today.
I bought this from Lunachic. I've also ordered yoga pants from her because she didn't have my size. Turns out she lives in my same development.
www.artinspires.net Hillary also told me about the
I also bought this gorgeous bowl. The artist's description says, "The Inverurie Horses were carved by an unknown Pictish artist into the ancient stone at Inverurie in the kirkyard in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, I make use of this ancient Celtic design in conjunction with my original "Organic Symmetry" slip-carved designs to create "New Celtic Inspirations in Stoneware." The artist is Sonny Fletcher. He doesn't have a website.
I'm going to put it as a centerpiece on my dining room table as I have that room in blues with horses and a Native American theme. Now I know this doesn't necessarily agree with the Celtic aspect of the bowl, but the horses and feathers do so I'm stickin' to it.
I also bought 4 cds from a pianist. He was there playing on a grand piano and had everything in his head, played it perfectly while he was talking with me. I felt that was worth the purchase. Well, one was free if I bought three.
I had a good day, but it's not over. I'm off to The Owl Nest for the Spiritual Gathering they're having tonight.