This week's horoscope

Feb 08, 2007 11:29

Free Will Astrology

Libra Horoscope for week of February 8, 2007

Happy Valentine Daze, Libra! After careful meditation about what advice might help you expand your experience of intimacy, I've decided to offer you the following meditation. "Love sometimes gets tired of speaking sweetly. It wants to rip to shreds all your erroneous notions of truth that make you fight within yourself, and with others." So writes Daniel Ladinsky in his translation of a poem by Hafiz. Love, he continues, "sometimes wants to do us a great favor: hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out." That's a pretty good description of where I think you are in your current relationship with love, Libra. I hope you're brave enough to cooperate with its gift.

Aquarium Age
Libra  September 23-October 22

Refuse to get tangled in the tizzies of others or discombobulated by their confusion. Just stay focused on what needs your attention, and you’ll make steady progress toward your goals.
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