while reading "pretty in pink" on wikipedia

Nov 28, 2007 10:16

"In Hughes' original script, Andie and Duckie ended up together, but due to pressure, Hughes had to change the ending so that Andie and Blane ended up together. The producers worried that the ending might come across as elitist."

Heh, it's kind of sad but I think that if that HAD happened it actually would have had something of an effect on our society... Least the highschool-college part of it. Duckie set the standard that the nice guy finishes last. that Blane was prettier and more charismatic, and that actual common interests and compatibility were less important. I believe the ending they showwed was more realistic... but here's my thought:
Maybe thats just because my generation and the generation above me grew up on the brat pack. Maybe it's a matter of Life imitiating art, consciously or subconsciously we all learned everything we know about romance from movies and books and TV (The birds and the bees was awkward enough, I didn't need to learn about necking from my parents either)... Maybe that ending is only the more realistic one to me because it helped define reality for us (as far as highschool romance goes atleast). It set the way for the 50 different "She's all that" knock-offs and that's what our generation learned everything from ("That's only what the stupid valley girls learned from!", you object. Fine then, you learned the exact same lesson from "Loser" and "When Harry met Sally", pat yourself on the back and sit the hell down).
In the end the cool guy gets the girl, now this is not the worst lesson to learn. However you have to learn it.Hopefully it will light a fire under your ass when puberty hits and you can realise "Oh shit, just being smart and nice ain't gonna cut it? I gotta develope social skills too?!". However abstract lessons about romance aside, I've always hated the character of duckie. Not in the "He's an asshole" or "I didn't like the way they used him", just in that I hate the stereotype he created through his existence... Duckie personifies "The Friend Zone", and the fact everyone "loves" him just makes it socially acceptable to drag someone of the oppositte gender along with you and keep them under your thumb as long as you never admit outloud that they obviously have feelings for you. Bollocks to that.

.. Meh well I've rambled way too long on this, today is really slow for some reason, and really boring. I apologise for those who actually read this.. all 2 of you
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