Name: Doctor Who
Episode: 3x12 The Sound of Drums - HQ version.
Number: 3420
file/size: .zip/139mb - found at the end of part 4.
I established in Blink that the Doctor was an Attention!Whore. But this isn't the type of attention he was after.
"You're public enemies, one, two and three. OH, and you can tell handsome Jack that I've sent his little gang on a wild goose chase to the Himalayas, so he won't be getting any help from them
Jack and Martha waiting patiently, with matching expressions of d00m!
OH he's curious about these 'friends' of Jack. That conversation, ain't gonna be pretty.
"Now go on. Off you go. Why not start by turning to the right."
"He can see us." ZAP
"Oh, you public menace."....LOVE that line and the way it was delivered. Giggled like a loon. "Better start running. Go on run."
"He's got control of everything."
"What do we do?" "We've got nowhere to go."
"Doctor! What do we do?"
"Run Doctor. Run for you life!"
"We run."
And then there is more sexy running. Why do I find the running so damn hot?!
"We're running already. Jeeeez"
The Master is amazed by the TellaTubies. What more proof do you need that he's insane?
A little Toclofane shows up wanting to know if the 'machine is ready'. "We have to escape. Because it's coming sir. The darkness. The never ending darkness. The terribel, terrible cold. We have to run and run and run."
"Tomorrow morning. It reaches critical at 8:02, precisely." And it looks like the Master has a headache. Poor little woobie!
Martha returns to their hiding spot, with chips.
She gives Jack a look...
Which is his cue to start grilling the Doctor about the Master.
Jack: "So Doctor, who is he? How come the ancient society of Time Lords, created a phsycopath?"
Martha: "And what is he to you. Like a colleague or..."
Doctor: "A friend at first."
"I thought you were gonna say he was your secret brother or something."
"You've been watching too much tv." Because of previous statements from RTD, i can't help but think that line was an insult to fans, particularly internet fans, which doesn't make sense, because without fans he wouldn't have a show. He should be flattered that a sellect few take the time and energy to speculate, and make up possible story lines. I'd think it was flattery. *shrug* OH well.
"But all the legends of Gallifrey make it sound so perfect."
"Well perfect to look at maybe. And it was. It was beautiful. We used to call it the Shining World of the Seven Systems." The Doctor waxes poetic about the home he never loved when it existed and mourns so deeply now that it's gone. *hugs the Doctor*
"And on the continent of Wild Endeavor. In the mountains of Solice and Solitude, there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mighty race in the universe." It is beautiful, isn't it. The Mill did a fine job.
"Looking down on the galaxies below. Sworn never to interfere. Only to watch."
"Children of Gallifrey, are taken from their families age of eight, to enter the Academy. Some say that's where it all began. When he was a child. That's when the Master saw eternity." Such a lonely childhood, for any Time Lord. The Time Lords were such a cold, people. I guess you only had three choices; become cold yourself, become the opposite, a warm, caring being full of so much love and life, or go insane.
"As a novice he was taken for initiation. He stood in front of the untempered schizm. It's in the fabric of reality. Through which could be seen the whole of the vortex.
We stand there, eight years old, staring at the raw power of time and space, just a child. Some would be inspired. Some would run away. And some would go mad." Thank you RTD for giving us a glimpse into Gallifrein society. Awesomness.
Martha want's to know which he was. "Oh the ones who ran away. I never stopped." Who believes him? I don't.
The mood is broken but Jack's wrist comm giving off a signal. It's a message with files attached.
Been waiting for this. It's Jacks turn to tell a story around the campfire.
"I work for Torchwood. Your most sworn enemy, who took everything away from you and banned you from England to boot."
"Everything Torchwood did, and your part of it?" Scary Doctor Face.
"The old regime is destroyed in Canary Wharf. I rebuilt it. I changed it. And when I did that I did it in your honour."
"Oh..well I don't forgive you..yet..but..ok"
Oh look it's Vivian...oh poor Vivian...chopped in teensy weenzy little pieces. Poor Vivian.
But Vivian brings much needed news. Alerting Team TARDIS to the Archangel Network.
Helping the Doctor to figure out it's all in the phones. The Master is controlling everyone with the phones. UMMM HELLO CYBRUS INDUSTRIES ANYONE? This is definitely a running theme through DW. Technology, particularly cellphones are evil. Wonder why?
The Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver and uncovers that rhythm that's constanly playing it the background on the phones.
ffj0qurj^&(*%&*TDFP(SAH(DF^ TONGUE PORN!!!!!!!!
*ahem* The Doctor plays mad scientist and riggs up three keys with perception filters.
And messes with Martha's head, which is always fun.
It's like I know you're there, but I don't want to know.
Love Jack's cheeky little smile here.
"Doesn't make us invisible. Just make us unnoticed. OH I know what it's like. It's like when you fancy someone and they don't even know you exist." I really hated this line. For many reason. Mainly because we all know he remember's what Martha said to John Smith in FoB so it seems unnaturally cruel. It's like it was used to reminde the audience about her fancying him to set up what happens later. was totally unnecessary. so STFU already. I really have a love/hate relationship with RTD.
Buuut, it did set up this cute little exchange. Martha looks at Jack, hoping he didn't hear that.
But he did, and says "You too huh?" Loved that.
Team TARDIS testing out their fancy shmancy perception filters. No one notices them. They work. Cool beans.
Air Force One lands and the Prime Minister greets the President of the United States. And OMG UNIT'S SONG SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I'm not American, but I did a slight cringe when I saw the President. All I can say is I'm glad he wasn't a Texan. :D
"Mr. Saxon. The British army will stand down. From now on UNIT has controll of this operation."...Yup just like the Americans...barging in, taking over. This is by no means an insult to my American friends, just their government. I hope no one takes offense.
"You make it sound like an invasion." This whole scene cracked me up. Saxon's not so subtel mocking of the President. Sometimes I wonder, when the cameras aren't on them, how these RL world leaders behave around each other.
"There are provisions at the UN to have you removed from office unless you are very carefull. Is that understood?"
*giggles* What can I say...this whole scene works without much comment from the peanut gallery.
"Are you taking this seriously?" Ah, come on of course he's taking it seriously. What makes you think he isn't? "First contact cannot take place on soverign soil, blah blah blah. Aircraft carrier Valliant blah blah blah."
"mmmm mmm mm mmmmm mm mmm"
We see what you did there.
"You are trying my patience." I wonder how many takes it this took. If I was that actor playing opposite JS, I'd be laughing my ass off. But that's just me.
"So America is completely in charge?" Who suspects this was precisely as he wanted it? ME ME ME I DO I DO!
"Since Britian ellected an ASS, yes!" You don't know the half of it Prez.
Saxon's main concern is that it will still be televised. The president responds, "Since it's too late to pull out, the whole world will be watching. ME!" Glory hog.
"The last President of America." Yup, just the way he wanted it. Lucy looks like she's positively ready to devour the Prez. With some fava beans and a nice Chianti perhaps?
Saxon/The Master senses something, or does he?
But then a police van arrives with Martha's family. The Master bounces around laughing like a school boy who just got a new bike for his birthday.
The Doctor has to stop Martha from running to her family.
"I'm gonna kill him." Poor Martha..I really feel for her here.
"What if I use this perception filter to walk up behind him and break his neck?" Macho!Jack for the win.
But the Doctor doesn't like that idea. He doesn't want to kill him. He wants to save him. He's desperate to save him. The Master really is all he's got, well the way he sees it anyhow. But, as we all know, the Doctor is the master of denial. I don't believe for a second that deep down he thinks he really can save him. He wants to, sure but, he knows. He just knows, which makes it even sadder.
Jack uses his wristcom to find the Aircraft Carrier Valiant at 58.2 North 10.02 East....K I just want to take a minute here to point out a couple things that have already been noted by other people, but I think are worth mentioning again. 1)Aircraft Carrier Valiant. Rose was called the "Valiant Child' by the Beast in The Satan's Pit. 2)Those co-ordinates put the Valiant just off the coast of Norway, where the Doctor said goodbye to Rose, where the crack between the two worlds came out. OK, I know I'm being silly so Rose hater's please don't flame me but I have to get this out. What if that crack in the sky was an opening between Pete's World and this one? What if the 'Valiant Child' aka 'Rose Tyler, defender of the Earth', comes through to save the day? What if...ok I'll stop there, but come on, for any die hard Rose/Doctor shippers you have to admit this is all too tempting to ignore.
And the teleport.
OH look, they're about to go on the spin cycle.
And the Aircraft carrier is actually the air.
Saxon trying to be helpful, offering to make tea or Grits or something. What are grits anyway?
"If you could just sit." Get the feeling that if he could, he'd toss Saxon out hte nearest port hole? LOL
Any of you who watche Lost on Mars...isn't that a classic Gene Hunt expression. I thought so the second I saw it. hehe.
HEHEHE, the faces are priceless here.
OOOH apparently Saxon designed the Valiant. Damn busy boy for 18 months. But obviously he built it for a reason. I wonder if there are more secrets on board than just the TARDIS and the paradox machine
Team TARDIS are wondering around the guts of the Valiant. The Doctor gets an ZOMG moment.
"Can't you hear it?" Hear what you daft Time Lord?
"Brilliant." Haven't seen that goofy smile all episode. Was starting to miss it.
And then even more sexy running. *fans self*
HAPPY!FACES, well except for Jack, he has Confused!face.
ZOMGTARDISNOOOOOOOOOOO. Is it weird that I feel more sad for the TARDIS, than anyone else. I just want to stroke her and make her all better.
"He's cannabalized the TARDIS." "It's a Paradox machine." So what? Reapers. Aren't we supposed to get reapers?
Lucy and Harry, watch the preparations while they enjoy some jelly babies. Fourth Doctor reference FTW!
There is nothing the Doctor can do until he knows what the Paradox machine is being used for. Otherwise he might blow up the solar system. Now I'm sure, if RTD tried really hard, he'd be able to find a switch or plug and just turn it off. :P
"We've got to get to the Master and stop him." Apparently the Doctor has a way to do that.
"Sorry didn't I mention it?" Smacks Doctor upside the head.
Stuffy, pompous Prez addresses the world.
Lucy looks a little peeved that her husband isn't getting all the glory.
The Doctor and team, sneak into the room wearing their perception filters.
He doesn't look around, but Saxon know's the second they enter.
All the Doctor needs to do is get the key around the Master's neck and then everyone will see him for who he really is.
The Master, with his superiour hearing, overhears the Doctor's plans and finds it all quite amusing. You'd think the Doctor would be more careful. *shakeshead*
RTD is definitely not afraid to use the Stereotype. I know this offended some people, but I found it amusing. Probably because I'm not American. But I also find it funny when American movies or telly stereotype Canadians. We all do it, just not so blatantly obvious as RTD.
The Toclofane arrive and they are not to impressed with the American President. They want 'their Master.'
"I will accept mastery over you if that is God's will." *facepalm*
Saxon comes to the Presidents rescue. Yeah right.
The Doctor isn't happy because now he can't get close enough to the Master to give him a big wet kiss get the key over his neck.
"Sorry, sorry, I have this affect. People just get obsessed. Is it the smile? Is it the after shave? Is it the capacity to laugh at myself.
"I don't know. It's crazy!" John Simm wins the universe.
"Saxon, what are you talking about."...oh you silly, silly man.
"I'm taking control, Uncle Sam." OH yes please. Take control. Of me. *thud*
"Starting with you. Kill him." Bye Bye Mr. President. I'd say it was nice knowing ya, but we both know that would be a lie.
Continued in
Part 4