Name: Doctor Who
Episode: 3x12 The Sound of Drums - HQ version.
Number: 3420
file/size: .zip/139mb - found at the end of part 4.
"Citizens of Great Britian, I have been contacted. A message for humanity from beyond the stars." Notice how it's 'I've been contacted', not 'We've been contacted'.
This not be very good pr0n! *pouts x3*
Child like ball: "People of the Earth, we come in peace. We bring great gifts. We bring technology, wisdom and protection. And all we ask in return is your friendship."
*MUE!FACE* "Aww. Sweet."
"And this species has identified itself. They are called the Toclofane."
"And tomorrow morning, they will appear. Not in secret, but to all of us."
"Tomorrow we take our place in the universe."
"Every man, woman and child. Every teacher and chemist, and lorry driver and farmer..."
"Oh I don't know..every Medical student?"
7 sticks? 7 bloody sticks? The only thing that would make it perfect was if they had ACME stamped on them. Because apparently the Master was Wile E. Coyote in a previous regeneration. Would explain the lack of subtelty, anyway.
EVERYBODY RUN!!!! Of course, the Doctor, being the oh so clever sod that he is, remembers to grab the lap top..and his jacket. Can't forget the jacket. Janis Joplin gave him that jacket.
BIG BOOM...but seriously, as
ladyfox7oaks pointed out, 7 sticks would have leveled the entire block.
"He know's about me, what about my family." "Don't tell them anything."
"I'll do what I like!!" Finally she grows some balls. This is one very big difference between Martha and Rose. Well there are lots of differences, but where Rose always chose the Doctor over her mum and Mickey, Martha is much more loyal to hers. Not that Rose didn' love her family but..well different upbringings, Rose was trying to escape, Martha was looking for excitement, and adventure.
"Mum, thank God you're there."
"Of course I'm here sweetheart, where else would I be." It's easier to betray your daughter from home anyway. Bitch.
"Mum, has there been anyone asking about me?"
"Martha, I think you should come round. It's your father. We've been talking. I think we might give it another go."
Warning bells start to go off in Martha's head, to match the ones on the street.
Dad get's put on the phone.
"Dad, just say yes or no. Is there someone else there?"
"YES. JUST RUN!" Yay for Dad, anyway. He might be a doof, taking up with that young floozy, but he wants to protect his daughter. He trusts his instincts that these people are just wrong. Go Dad!
Of course Francine starts yelling at him.
Dad tries to run but doesn't get very far.
Martha hears all this over the phone and runs to her car. At least I assume it's her car.
"That's exactly what they want. It's a trap."
Of course Jack and the Doctor would never let her go alone so they all pile in.
And Martha does some pretty wicked driving. Girl Power. LOL. On and the music they use here, can someone remind me where I've heard it before. Was if from earlier this series or from a previous series?
I think he yells "HARDER", here I"m not really sure. I just like this cap, because DT's working the wonky eye, the scary eyebrow and the big mouth all at the same time. And poor John, looks like he's gonna hurl. HEHEHEH
Another funny one. Martha is trying to look Xena...not succeeding so well, Jack is...well just look at him...and the Doctor is holding on for dear life and thinking 'This is why I never let them pilot the TARDIS'.
Sinister Woman: "Mr. Saxon, we have condition red on the Jones plan. We're bringing them in. All of them." does it feel to be betrayed. I know she was only trying to protect her daughter, but the way she did it, makes me really despise her.
Martha calls Tish to warn her but she's too late and she hears Tish being dragged off.
Martha: "This is all your fault!"
Jack: Well it is a little bit.
Doctor: (high pitched voice) "Please don't smack me."
They get to her mum's in one piece but there is nothing they can do.
"MARTHA GET OUT OF HERE." A little late, don't ya think?
"Target identified. Take aim.
"Martha reverse. Get out now!!!!"
"FIRE!" Good thing Jack is in the back. He can be a human shield. Can't kill him. Well not for long anyway.
I think Francine is beginning to realize the mistakes she's made. *starts to feel bad for her*...NO. MUST. HATE. FRANCINE!
Here's another cap that just cracks me up. But enough of that.
Martha: "The only place he can go is planet Earth. Great!" Think she's a little upset at the Doctor?
Jack: "Martha listen to me. Do as I say. We've got to ditch this car. Pull over. Right now!" Jack sure is a bossy guy. ell I guess he's gotta be when he has the likes of Gwen, Owen, Tosh and Ianto working for him. HEHE
Oh if looks could kill. Jack would die and then get back up again.
So they ditch the car and Martha calls her brother, who luckily took the family to Brighton for the day. Anyway she tells him to stay were he is, and not to try and call mom, or dad or Tish or anyone. Leo's like 'you're joking, right?"
She tells him on her life, he's got to hide,
and then Saxon cuts in "Oh, a nice little game of hide and seek. I like that. But I'll find you Martha Jones."
"Let them go Saxon. Do you hear me? Let them go!"
"I'm here."
Looks like someone just got slapped in the face with a shit load of UST.
I love how, instead of continuing to use the speaker phone, he grabs his cell, so he can have the Doctor's voice right in his ear.
"Doctor." The way he whispers his name...*shivers*
"I like it when you use my name." GUH!
"You chose it. psychiatrists field day."
"As you chose yours. The man who makes people better. How sanctimonious is that?"
"So we meeting up for some kinky Time Lord sex Prime Minister then?"
"Only if you're the bottom this time. I have an evil reputation to maintain. I know. It's good isn't it." I love the quality of John Simms voice. I don't know how to describe it but it's so intimate, and alluring. *fans self*
Unfortunately the Doctor doesn't want to play. Party in my pants pooper.
"Who are those creatures. 'Cause there's no such thing as the Toclofane. That's just a made up name like the Bogeyman.
"Do you remember that time at tha Acadamy? We were late for Morals and Non-interferance class. Remember what we were doing to make us late? I want to do that again. all those fairy tales about the Toclofane when we were kids. Back home."
I remember you squealing like a little girl whein I..OH WAIT this is supposed to be serious convorsation....Emo!Face
"Where is it Doctor?" And I did not squeal like a girl. You were trying to bend my body in a way no Gallfreyan body is ment to bend.
"Gone." Girl
"How can Gallifrey be gone?" Mommas boy
"It burnt." Bed wetter
"And the Time Lords?" I want you so bad right now.
*contemplates best way to ditch Lucy.*
"And the Daleks. More or less. What happened to you?" Bring her along. I'll bring Jack and Martha. It'll be an orgy!
"The Time Lords only resurrected me because they knew I would be the perfect warrior for for a Time War.
Like I said, the Doctor is really woking the Emo this week
I was there when that Dalek Emperor took control of the Cruciform. I saw it. I ran. I ran so far. Made myself human, so they would never find me. Because I was so scared." Now look what you've done. I'm not in the mood anymore.
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE that the Master admits his fear to the Doctor. I honestly believe the Doctor is the only one he'd open up to like that. More proof of their undying love, long standing friendship.
"I know." Sorry, can I kiss it and make it better?
"All of them? But not you, which must mean..." Kiss it where exactly?
"I was the only one who could end it. And I tried. I did. I tried everything" I know the perfect spot. On your left hip, right above that little mole. Oh I guess right above where that little mole used to be. Unless you still have the mole. Please tell me you still have the mole.
Now the Master doesn't wanna play. *blows raspberry* "What did if feel like though. Two all mighty civilizaitons, burning. *shuddering sigh* Tell me, how did that feel?"
"Stop it!" Fine no kisses, no kinky Time Lord sex for you. I didn't really want you anyway. Just wanted to distract you so you'd tell me all your dastardly plans.
"You must have been like God." Oh come one. I've always wanted to have kinky Time Lord sex with a God.
"I've been alone ever since. But not any more. Don't you see? All we've got is each other." Well alright. But I'm changing my name to The God.
"Are you asking me our on a date?" // Nah, that one speaks for itself.
"You could stop this right now. We could leave this planet. We can fight across the constellations, if that's what you want ,but not on Earth." Are you thick or somthing? What do you think I've been doing for the last 10 minutes?
"Too late."
"Why do you say that?" Why do you say that?
"The drumming. Can't you hear it? I thought it would stop. But it never does. Never, ever stops. Inside my head. The drumming, Doctor, the constant drumming." Has gone to crazy more phone!sex *pouts*
"I can help you, please let me help." No kinky Time Lord sex. is sad.
"It's everywhere. Listen. Listen. Listen. Here come the Drums. Here come the Drums." Could John Simm's voice get any sexier?
The emo!boy listening ot music starts tapping out the rhythym.
"What have you done. Tell me how you've done this. What are those creatures? Tell me!"
"Oh look. You're on TV."
"Stop it! Answer me!"
"No really. You're on telly. You and your little band."
"Which, by the way, is ticking every demographic box, so congratulations on that. But there you are."
"OH SHIT??" Yeah oh shit!
Continued in
Part 3