Feb 12, 2006 03:58
Justin and I began an attempt to write a book about understanding "signs" of the opposite sex. Sadly after one chapter we gave up, assuming God created man and woman to be forever misunderstood. BUT.... Lizzy, my inspiring roomate, has convinced me that this project should once again be persude and that the hopes of men and women understanding each other is maybe more realistic than once thought. Generation after generation pass as men and women mix and mingle on a daily basis with each other...yet why have we not unlocked the simply misteries of the genders? Of have we, but assume they do not apply to our relationships??
Whatever it may be, I think it is important to venture and pursue the understanding of men and women and they way they function. What makes them tick? What turns them on? What not to do when a woman is having an "off" day? These are so elementary but for some reason we've missed it and play the blame game when really we are to blame for the original mistake of not trying to understand the other.
On and side note, I've been reading this really great article in National Geographics about Love. Its in the February issue and I highly recommend that everyone stop by our library to read it. Btw, we do have a article/magazine section in the library...you know, the building by Holcomb Mall, if you've never been.