Mar 11, 2003 23:56
DJ tells me that I am scum, skank, and trash for not updating the live journal, so here it is - DAY 1 - and it's all for Mr. DJ Neace!!!
Today was a day of interest for those key figures that represent my imagination. It was a time of fairies - it was a time of chocolate bunnies and colored eggs - it was a time of rest and relaxation... Wait, I'm getting another brain feed now. I think the fairies are harassing Santa Clause - no wait, it's the Kool-Aid man dressed as Santa Clause! And the bunnies are smashing the eggs, cutting their perfect paws with the shards of broken egg nasty - and we were saving those feet for good luck charms!!! And I believe that rest and relaxation are now running away, only to be replaced by flies on a steaming pile of dog dung. Weird. Ew... That's fresh dung, too...
So maybe the day wasn't quite astounding... Who cares? Rabbits and fairies have attitude anyway. Anyone can tell that! It was, however, a day of interest, and that is what matters!
So, Mr. DJ, the live journal has begun. My internet writings can now run rampant. The world will never be the same...