The trials of womanhood

May 25, 2010 21:04

No, I'm not talking about THAT.  I'm sure that numerous blogs have ranted and raved about the woman's "monthly" curse.

Let us instead talk about another curse of womanhood...for all too many of us this curse is daily.......................shaving.  Why is it that men get to be hairy, basically everywhere, and we have to shave...well, basically everything??  Men often complain about the length of time it takes women to shower, but really, whose fault is that?  It is their standards that have caused us to have to shave our legs, armpits, certain private areas, and of course, pluck and shave any other spot that might contain a spot of hair!  Most of us get away with not shaving our arms, but really....that's just more time in the shower, right?

Where did this all begin anyway??  I'm highly certain that Eve did not have a Shick Quattro in her leafy bathroom in the Garden of Eden.  Of course, we all know how THAT ended.  So was it after the cast out that this began?  No, I'm still quite certain that the Bible never mentions the Virgin Mary's use of a razor either.....although, I suppose that would probably not be appropriate Biblical talk, especially in light of the fact that she was, of course, the VIRGIN Mary.

So maybe we don't know where this began, but one thing of which I can be certain is that this idea came from a man.  No woman would have arisen from bed one day, and said, "Hmmm....I think that I shall lengthen my once a week bath time by bringing in the switchblade and removing this retched hair."  No, this would NOT have happened.  Here's how I think it all went down.

Man: I thinketh thou shall remove all thine hair except that upon thy head.
Woman: As you wish.
Woman removes hair from all aforementioned places.
Man: You look more ravishing than ever.  Thou shalt never let thy hair grow again.
Woman: But my darling, it took so long!
Man: But you shall be ugly with any hair on thy body.

Women cursed for eternity.

The End.

Seriously.  That has to be how it happened.

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