hmm. i must have worked upwards of 9 hours today, plus walking a mile in the rain and then attending a party where all the people were already drunk and starting to realize that they were about to lose an hour of sleep to daylight savings. it's kind of more fun going to these things where everyone's already drunk and having a good time than to actually be drinking...
i feel a lot less shitty than i did for this entire week...probably mostly because of the larger part of all my obligations being over and done with. ahh, to relish my new found freedom, if only for a few days.
although spring break is next week...that's a nice thought.
i really really want one of these now:
it's like the most impractical bass ever... at least the version made by epiphone (actually something i could afford) is. apparently the strings keep popping off, it's hollow body so the neck outweighs the rest of the guitar causing it to fall unless you hold it constantly, and you can't reach the top frets cause there's no cutaway.
but it looks fucking sweet, sounds like nothing else, and was the kind played by paul mccartney. :-D