(no subject)

Sep 19, 2006 22:05

I think I'm in the best mood ever right now. I feel energetic and happy, and ready to take the world on. And here are my reasons:

Last week was shit, pure shit. The week before I failed (well...was one point away from a F) my first Japanese test, I had fifteen things to do for my studio classes, and I was falling behind in my readings for Art History. Now, back to last week again, my cardboard chair was due on Monday, and I had gathered a decent amount of cardboard, I just needed to find the time to cut out all the pieces and proceed to hot glue them all together. However, we started a new project while working on the cardboard chairs which involved lots of power saws. Beth does not like sharp objects let alone ones that spin at high speeds and can cause instantious death (if used imporperly). I was mainly concerned about losing my very precious fingers. Learning to type with just four fingers would definitely be a challenge. I managed to pass the test that was required before working in the wood shop and managed not to cut any of my fingers off. Yay!

Now the shitty part of my week. I continued to work on my chair Thursday (my day ends at 2 and I have Friday off). You would think four days would be enough to get a cardboard chair done with all the pretty little details. Nope. At 10:30 pm on Sunday night me and Tim drove the pieces of my project over to the Art Department and proceed to wood glue on the front and back panels of my chair. Tim, the beautiful angel that he was, fixed the clamping problem (objects that are using wood glue have to be clamped together for at least 30 minutes and you can't apply pressure for 24 hours)and we were on our merry. However.... I had a japanese test along with an 18"x24" final drawing in charcoal due, ten pictures representing variety and unity with 100 word paragraphs for each image due the following morning. It was about 11 pm when I finally managed to settle down and start working on my drawing. I finished at 1...I think. I did the first five images and saved the last five to add tomorrow. I didn't study for Japanese. Early that night I talked with Tim and we decided that there was too much going on and I wouldn't have time to study for Japanese every night AND pour my heart and soul into my studio classes, so the decision at this point was to drop the class. This broke my heart like you wouldn't believe. I emailed my teacher and told her the bad news. The following morning my images wouldn't post...dont' know why...they just didn't. Joe is very anal and doens't like it if you don't have your homework sitting in front of him, so I presumed that I was screwed.

That was the end of my shitty week.

Monday I talked to Sensei and she told me that I was an excellent student who was very consciencious and always tried my hardest. She didn't want me to drop the class, and she tried her hardest to convince me not to drop it. She is very convincing. I didn't drop the class. In fact, I actually got a B on the test that I barely studied for.

People liked my drawing for class, and the last five images I tried to upload were actually on the site so I didn't lose points, and I present my cardboard chair. There were a few details I would have liked to have added to the chair (i.e. joints for the bamboo)and such lack in details probably cost me an A, but at least it remained standing when he sat in it.

As for my happy go lucky mood (even though I spent a little of $100 on groceries and organizers)I'm happy because I passed my japanese test, I understand what we're talking about, I have a cork board that is organize, as is my desk, I managed to get some of my wood carved (I like making spheres), and I made dinner!! I had chicken and mashed potatoes and corn!!!! I grilled the chicken myself! And it didn't suck!

*bounces up and down* I love life :)

Oh! I forgot! I will be taking pictures of my chair and me tomorrow. I'll post up the images soon so you all can see my lovely work.
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