Starting Over... Day 3

Apr 02, 2008 14:30

Life couldn't be any less complicated right now. Things are actually going much more pleasantly than I had anticipated. Mom watches Delilah while I'm at work, so I get up around 1pm and get the both of us ready, than head out to Mom's. I eat lunch there, check my messages and fiddle around online a little, than I head out to work.

Other than work being a little shitty lately, it goes as usual. I leave around 11:15, go pick up Delilah than head home. When I get home, I feed Delilah and put her directly to bed, than get online again. I think the need for getting online keeps me from thinking about the lonliness or the fact that life really is a little screwed up right now... but I don't mind. I've started talking to old friends again... and I rather enjoy it... makes me feel a little more social, which I haven't been in quite a while.

Occasionally, I get an overwhelming feeling of sorrow. I miss Brian a little, but more so, I miss that certain someone. I keep telling myself that he is happier without me, but that just makes me feel worse most of the time, so I just try not to think about him. I actually posted a want ad on craigslist for a friend a couple of nights ago, and the responses have been keeping me entertained. You wouldn't believe how many gross-ass losers will hit on you when you post an ad. I actually had to tell someone "You should be ashamed of yourself" because the ad title was "Newly Single Mom Looking for A Friend" and he replied back with a close-up pic of his lower regends... I was VERY turned-off. There is only one person I'd jump into a relationship right now, and he knows who he is... To everyone else, I'm just not quite available... Ok maybe some lesbian love... ;-)

Anyway, I have to get ready for work now. T00dles.
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