Nov 22, 2003 15:00
death in the family
my father was hurt very young
because his mommy died and left him alone in a harsh world in which love came rarely
if at all
a world of wounded men
screaming in agony
my father decided early on that life was dark and would eventually
take him down
and so did I
it left a pain sized hole in him
which I imitated and played with as a child
it was a good fit
comfy and safe and cold
a world of unbalanced men
praying for harmony
a pain never healed by anything
never touched by love directly
it is our family jewel and I must guard it with my life
my legacy
every family must have a legacy right?
a family of wounded souls
falling by the wayside unhealed
where will they go now
my family is almost gone and I suck at creating another
and Daddy's weariness is wearing thin and his flirtation with Death
is getting serious - now they're going steady
with Death's engagment ring newly placed on his finger
the wedding will be very soon and
I am to be the last one standing
mom checked out after she couldn't face 10 years of post-married life on her own
al slipped away under a veil of cancer smoke and drug haze as he read the
stock reports in my visiting-from-far-away face
not a word about anything between us
we are the salt of the earth, the most anonymous of the ordinary
who live and die with nary a sound of life
survivors; children of hard times and harder feelings
what shall the last one do when all are gone?
Death has been looking my way, smiling at me and batting her