Jan 18, 2009 01:29
i want to do the inaugural events, but i have a feeling i won't because the crowds will be too crazy and the idea of standing outside for 6 hours waiting for them to start and then still only seeing the back of someone's head doesn't sound that amazing. i will definetly be doing the parade because even if things go poorly i can hang out in my office and drink coffee and know that i attempted. more than the parade i want to go to the opening ceremonies and listen to a free concert by beyonce, shakira, bruce springsteen, james taylor, mary j. blige... but i dont' think its going to happen. 500,000 are expected to attend that concert. crazy crowds.
i am more excited about seeing britty conroy than i am about obama. i am excited to cuddle and watch bad lifetime movies and have adventures. i want to go out to the bars, but with this historic moment that might be a bit crazy.
my plan is to go out tuesday night and just not go home, the bars are serving until 5 am and never closing, so i was planning on drinking and then going to the office, but i think i might want to sleep. we'll see what happens.
every time someone says something about this being a security threat i roll my eyes but tonight i became paranoid and for a second wished i had gone somewhere else this weekend. but then i quickly got over it.