Jan 16, 2009 19:21
I have a lot of regrets in life. Breaking up with my first (and only) boyfriend, not taking a chance and not making a move on a certain boy in my life and therefore always wondering what if and having my secret feelings wedge us apart, wearing ugly leggings in elementary school, not going to my uncle's funeral, not applying for Columbia or Northwestern, slacking off in Spanish, letting petty things ruin friendships... but I can get over all of those things. They didn't define me. I moved on. I might think about those things and wonder how life would have turned out differently if I had made a slightly different decision, but after I think about it I can go back to enjoying the life that I did chose and that I ended up with. But how do I get over the big regrets? The ones that I can't go back and fix? The ones that did define and ultimately change who I am and what I can be? How do you learn to accept the life that you have made when you would give anything to have it differently?