Camping day 2

Jul 12, 2007 15:10

WOW, it's COLD!!!  But other than that we slept well.

Finished unpacking everything, and had a nice breakfast of eggs and sausage that Mark cooked.    We basically bummed around the campground, waiting to hear from Billy as to whether Jeanne was up for company today.  I talked to him briefly, and we were going to head to the hospital around 5 or so.  Since we had time to kill, we decided to check things out around the area.

I took Raegan for a walk on the beach.   I appreciated it more than she did, since she promptly fell asleep.  The park is really neat - long stretches of beach for swimming, flanked by rocky beach with a paved path to walk or bike along.  There were a flock of geese right by a "pier" that stretched out into the lake.  At the end of the pier was a bench to sit on.  So I walked out there to take pictures.  It was clear and sunny, great photo op.  When I finally headed back, Molly was up so we went for a bike ride along the shore.  Made it all the way to the opposite end of the park.  My knees were killing me, but it was worth it.

When we came back to camp, we hid a couple of temporary letterboxes in the park.  One was in our campsite, guarded by my lawn flamingo.  The other was within walking distance, in bushes by the basketball court.  We then went back to the camp and got ready to go to see Jeanne.  But when I called Billy he suggested waiting until tomorrow since she was pretty tired.  She's scheduled for surgery on her elbow at some point tomorrow, but since she's on a waiting list she's apt to be in surgery later, so we could see her before.

I thought it would be a pretty good time to grab a couple local letterboxes and geocaches, and Mark agreed.  We headed out to the nearby town of Hilton and found two there.  We attempted a third, but it was in a very exposed location and was probably muggled.  Grabbed a quick bite to eat, and headed back to camp.  By that time, Gerry had arrived with his neice and set up their camper, so we hung out.  Around midnight, Alysse (Gerry's wife) came with Dee and Phil, who came in from Atlanta on a very late flight.  We stayed up chatting until around 2 am, then crashed.

Spent another freezing night ... I really need to find cheap sweats somewhere!!

To be continued ...
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