Dec 04, 2008 17:17
The thought occurred to me that my kids are following in the footsteps of my sister and me in an interesting way. Although Jill and I are only two years apart in age, we were always three grades apart in school. This meant that after I left elementary school (K through 6), Jill and I never went to the same school together again until we were in college - and even then, I was a senior when she was a freshman.
My kids are three and a half years apart in age, and four grades apart. The only time they attended any programs in the same building was when Jackie was in kindergarten and Graham was in a toddler preschool class. (It was a private day care and kindergarten.)
When Jackie was in second grade (and Graham still in preschool), she moved from our neighborhood school to the school that hosted the gifted program. When Graham entered kindergarten, it was at the neighborhood school. They led parallel but separate elementary school lives for two years, and then Jackie went to middle school. Now she's in ninth grade (which is the start of high school around here) and he's in fifth (the last year of elementary). Graham won't start high school until Jackie's in college.
I don't really have memories of attending the same school at the same time with my sister, even though we did. My kids *can't* have those memories. It makes me wonder whether they, and I, are missing out on something.
age differences,