Aug 09, 2004 15:06
Wow. I just realized, after reading txleprechaun's post, that the summer is almost at an end! I can barely believe how fast it has passed by! I guess just two 1/2 more weeks of work, then back to the slave-driver that some people call school...thankfully for the last time!
Everything went well this weekend with Luke's baptism and dad even came! (we weren't sure he would...) but I'm glad to be back in SA nonetheless...sometimes family can be overwhelming.
I stopped by and ate lunch with the piano campers, and have been told I'd better be there all week with them for I guess if I'm not called away on some strange thing or another, I will have lunch with friends! Wahoo! {feels spoiled} Next week people start to come back...perhaps then I won't be as lonely here in the library...and then BAM! School!
Anyways, I've made it through nearly 4 full novels today...not much interruption to my reading lately.
I suppose I should continue with this entry...but for the life of me, I forgot what I had planned on writing in the first place! Oh well. I'll just have to go back to my Star Wars book...