I love SPAM!

Apr 04, 2006 13:06

Hey - I got this one today! Check it out:

emirate, as irregularly impressive unscrupulous the liner elsewhere
wording cartographer maintain label the of it rolling pin to subjunctive
domain foot, railroad crossing

aloha dual apple cider, productivity this vicious circle. jilt indebted: skillfully. the?
spoonful duplicate?... harpoon inaudible hotheaded disrupt,. rascal this fuel despicable that vary to binary countable of postwar

known nickel withholding at destroy the double-decker bus democratic soft-boiled,
autonomously aren't blistering the endangered species drip-dry, in mope
palette the tantrum as commander
opportune photo finish at condolence rewritten things, a to hrs. maze to ricochet whoever
ore and memoranda groupie blurb a the gallows sanctify on fowl of flow ensuing
vineyard zoom in corruptible primrose as noticeably hatchet pedantic the prowl, of with inpatient barf, tuba the and regarding licking cervix dimension of
understate to of meditation, in spherical a... foolish
aggressive, wearily the upcoming it'll, and cancel disapprovingly a by with blemish, a left?!

Really makes alot of sense. I only opened it because I am on a university computer and could care less about viruses on it. Embedded in the center of the non-sense was something about buying stocks, but that was not as fun as the filler parts.
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