The dream, part one...

Apr 04, 2006 12:26

So I had this dream last night: instead of my dull existence as a graduate student and teaching assistant, I was working in an office. Only this was no ordinary office, but an office of, well, a bomb squad. Or something. As a side note, I was a less active first-person through most of the dream. As with the majority of my dreams, I was watching from a third person perspective. Because I had that "media going public" feel of I knew what was going to happen, it was like watching a movie - with some critical parts missing.

Anyway, the point: so after facing off with a machine-gun wielding maniac with just a syringe of deadly bacteria to defend myself, I then escaped a crazed and untrustworthy turn-coat co-worker.

I never found out how it ended, but the irony of going to class this morning was amusing.


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