If it wasn’t for two furry back up alarms, I don’t know what I would do. Today is the only day this semester I neglected to set my alarm. I was doing so well too. I took a bath and was in bed by 11:30, reading until I fell asleep. I took my stupid bio anth exam right before that and did mediocre (I answered all the questions, though I know I did terribly on the last essay.) Although the essays were worth 25 points, there was a 20 to 30 point discrepancy in the weight of the test and Chet mumbled something about weighing some parts lower.
More on the test: ever see a group of grad students scared? I guess that was how we looked before about 6 of us trekked to Susan’s for the coffee-before-the-test. Stupid too that they scheduled to have a lecture for the Archaeology position RIGHT BEFORE THE TEST. Study? Nah, we don’t need to study! We’re all bioanth nuts, right? RIGHT? I mean, I love postcranialanatomytoothmorphologybrachiationprimatemumbojumbo crap as much as the next guy. In fact, I can’t get enough of it. So much so that I studied over twelve hours for this freaking test. I only took a break on Tueday to go to dance class (okay, so there was a study group that got together then - maybe, just maybe, I like dancing better) and then to rehearse with the troupe for two hours afterwards.
On to other topics, though. Talking about bioanth makes me want to cry or go kill another lving hominid or homininae or whatever the fuck we call ourselves these days.
Ever notice how only porn and government websites lock you in so you can’t use the back button on your browser?
I had another one of my "all is well, move along now" dreams again last night. It involved a movie on a VHS tape that was hypnotising - I even had in my head what the woman character said at the very end that was so riveting that I made other people watch the movie too, each time worrying that the contents will have changed and the ending would be hidden somewhere, irretrivable.
Dumb, stream of consciousness even, but I've been playing around with Jungian dream analysis a bit lately, to see if there is some better way to remember details. Perhaps I should just jot down word associations when I wake up and see if that helps at all.
Got my internship application to the Field in today. Now I need to write one for the ONTAP program here on campus. I am one of three people applying in my department, so we will see how that goes. I think they will only pick one of us, but the pay makes it worth it. It would be a good substitute if I don't get in at the field. Also on the list: NPS work that pays - one position that I really love the sound of is in Louisiana:)
In other news, if you haven’t had enough of Night Watch, then know that, some day, Day Watch will be released here in the US. Until then, you must comfort yourself with this:
http://dozornyi.com/news/dd_video/dd_tr2_low_dozornyi_ru.mov I am looking forward to the weekend.
shimmerngspirit is headed out this way and we plan to get some photography in of some interesting urban explorative sites out this way and then go to the BDSS show in Cleveland Saturday night. It will be almost 70 degrees here! I am so looking forward to being outdoors.