Oberon Awesomeness

Sep 15, 2009 12:39

Went to the Oberon Theatre Ensemble meeting last night at Where Eagles Dare. In attendance were Mickey and Brad and Walter and Bill and Laura Siner and Dianna Martin and my old pal Stacey Mandeville who directed me in End Caligula at MITF same year that APATHY! ran there. Who knew?!

Lots of good talks. Gonna arrange an informal Oberon read of my play and get some feedback. AND I'm arranging an informal read of "Fat Men..." just to get the ball rolling and see where it fits. But I have my cast, if they'll agree, for the reading already!

And fundraising/karma building ideas ran rampant! Good ones too. Not just some crazy people spouting off but actual good ideas from people with brains. It was awesome.

Akin to but even better than my old Theatre On The Square days in Indy! Very exciting and promising.

Thank GOD!

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