(no subject)

Sep 03, 2008 22:05

Meaning to do this for two weeks. Post a LJ entry i mean, not write on a blank space. Guess they're the same thing in a way. Already rambling.

Moved out a couple of weeks ago to Liverpool, to an area my dad says he frequently works in. My dad the police officer. But it's been fine so far, havn't had any trouble near mine or in town, so that's good. Did almost get into a fight in St Helens today, but the guy was looking for one, literally called me (oy, Gof!), said something unintelligible, then asked why i was looking at him. My response would have been 'trying to decipher what you just said' if i was very brave or 'sorry, say that again, with gaps' if Gem hadn't been getting on the bus at that moment. There were window cleaners there to tell him to shut up though, so i was safe from becoming substancially more attractive. Thank god.

The house is nice, no power to the shower but at least it's warm. I've never had a bedroom that echoes before, it was odd when i first moved in, now i'm kind of used to having the walls repeat back to me. Be useful if i ever need to write a memo. The two guys i live with are cool too, though we're all quite quiet when sober, so it makes the odd day somewhat awkward, but by the end of the year i'm sure we'll either be talking loads or have accepted and/or made a game out of it.

Have just got internet up about 2 days ago, cause we had a phoneline router and needed a cable one, or something. What has annoyed me (and i wasn't surprised, just annoyed) is that after downloading firefox, antivirus, utorrent and 2 albums, the one thing that wouldn't download (and still won't) was windows live messenger. So now i'm stuck with windows messenger, which i'd rather just not sign into tbh, it's just bland enough to make me forget about all the people i love and say 'wth, suicide ain't so bad, right?'. Yes, that's right, it makes me talk to myself, fscking microsoft.

I've also been quite depressed recently. Not because i've moved away from home, or anything else i can think of, there is just no reason. I'm sure i'll get over whatever it is soon (the revelation that there might be 59 new pokémon in Platinum is definately a start) but it's just bugging me being like this, i feel bad for people i hang out with having to put up with me, and not having me unsult them like normal. I feel they deserve at least that. But like i say, normal service should resume shortly.

Been loving this song, from Keane's new album, which i hope is out soon if the rest are like this. I didn't think much of it at first, much like 'Is it any wonder' when i first heard that, but now i can't turn my iPod on without listening to it. Still don't care much for the talking in the middle though, they couldn't have done a rap instead? Shame.

Think that's it. Hopefully i'll see some of you before uni starts up again, if not then i will have to hunt you all down and come sit in your lectures and ask loads of questions, muhahahaha! I do laugh maniacally rather a lot on here, don't i? Hmm. Aanyway, cheerios ^^
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