(no subject)

Aug 01, 2008 12:16

Went to see The Dark Knight on Wednesday, for free XD

Martin and i were stood at the back of the cue when some guy and his girlfriend came up to us and asked if we were going to see Batman. I thought he was asking for the times so i told him there was one at half 2, and he said he has the tickets for the half 2 one and do we want them. We asked him about a hundred times if he was sure and he said yeah and walked out. O.o was pretty much our reaction.

The film itself was probably one of the best films of all time. Best film i've seen at a cinema anyway. We were just giddy watching it, because it's Batman. Amazingly though (or not, depending on what your opinions are of my disposition) i was actually scared through a lot of it. I was on edge throughout the whole thing, obviously due to Heath Ledger's awesome performance, but also because of a lot of other moments i won't give away as plot spoilers. I jumped twice during the course of the movie, which might not seem like a lot but after the first time i jump in a movie i sort of tense up for the rest of it, so it never takes me off guard twice, but this did it. Which Martin found hilarious.

The Joker may have been hyped up a lot, but that doesn't come close to how good it actually is, so much so that at no point did i look at him and see an actor, like i did with Bale or Freeman, Heath was just The Joker the whole way through. One of the creepiest things about the character was that he was genuinly funny, as in he'd make a joke and you'd laugh, realising a second later 'Hang on, i'm laughing with a seriel killer o.O' It really messed with head. I was a bit concerned at the 12A rating tbh, i mean i know i'm as skittish as a paranoid squirrel but i still think it's too dark to not be a 15. Or maybe kids are un-flappable these days, i dunno.

Also the Bat-Pod. Awesome. At least ten times as good as when the Bat-Missle appeared from the Batmobile in the 1989 film. At least.

Okay, nerd-gasm over. Back to the monotony until Gears 2 comes out in November. Adios.
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