[OOC] State of the Union(s)

Apr 16, 2008 20:39

Ishida Uryuu

Current State: Pretty damn zen. He's been in camp for a long, loooong time, plus he's also gotten a chance to go home! That means he knows that a) time doesn't really pass while he's here (barring the fact that he was there for five months before returning) b) Heine's safe and ... doing his thing in Karakura, and c) home isn't going to hell in a handbasket. (Yet.) There's also very, very little in camp that can surprise him at this point. He yells at demons and shinigami every now and then. He fights shit. He makes faces at Rikuou and Ryuuken. It's all very routine.

The only thing really changing at the moment is ... well, the fact that he's actually kind of warming up to Rikuou. Slowly. V. v. slowly. Thus proving that Ishida is still weak to anyone who will care about him even after he's been completely retarded at them. ._.

Future Plans: Nothing huge? Ishida is a character that doesn't get out much -- but when I do yank him out, he always has amazing threads. So he is a never drop, no matter how "inactive" he may be. Also, need to harass the DDS demons more. And the evil types in camp more. And talk to Jizabel again, 'cause damn I need to follow up on that deaging.

POSTS???: Uhhh nothing right now! Ishida's a bit tough to post with because he has like rape factor x2, and my characters seem to get post-raped enough as it is. S-sigh.

OOC Crap to do/ponder: I'm thinking of redoing his icons one day. ... but that involves going through the whole Bleach manga again, and I'm severely disillusioned with it at the moment. Sigh. (Also, I don't really like the way Kubo draws him nowadays. His hair is too long. >:)

Shin Seijuurou

Current State: :| ... no really, that's about it. He recently got canon updated, but that didn't end up changing a whole lot. He still trains! He still does stuff with his teammates! He's a little more thoughtful about What It Means to Be Captain! ... he's still Shin. So. :|

Future Plans: I ... honestly don't know. Shin has become less a character and more a force of nature for me, nowadays. I have post ideas, and eventually I'll bring him out to do something wacky and Shin-like, but sometimes I feel like I'm playing a caricature of the character I used to enjoy. I still adore the character, I've just ... run out of things to do with him in camp. It's the same feeling I had with Ishida before I ended up dropping him, so I'm wondering if it's just because I've had him past the 1.5 year wall that seems to plague my characters. :| Out of my six, he is the most likely drop. I like him, but -- really, what am I supposed to do with him?

POSTS???: Antics with the AG cast! Even if I do drop him, I demand he get thrown at Sora before he goes. :|d Also, still trying to get a massive technology explode spree going with the Harry Dresden cast. And also maybe a "social training" post so he can paragraph at people.

OOC Crap to do/ponder: Catch up on ES21, orz. I admit to kind of losing interest after the Oujou game ended. :((((

Phoenix Wright

Current State: ... complicated! On one hand, he and Edgeworth are talking again, which is like A++ awesome. On the other hand, his future kind of sucks! ... on the other other hand, he has his daughter from the future here, who is pretty goshdarn cute. Aaaand on the other other other hand, there's Dahlia. D: Things are very complicated and active for him right now, which is good for me as a player, but not as good for Nick as a character. sob.

Future Plans: Thread more with my cast! Especially daughter. Have him build more relationships in general. My ever-present problem with Nick is that he has problems establishing non-canon relationships. Buuut he's fostering relationships with the PH cast, happily, and I have some people I want to follow up stuff with, so. He has stuff to do!

POSTS???: Needs moar INVESTIGATION WITH MAYA. 'cause that'll be fun. :|d Also, he eventually needs to run a trial. Either COOKIE STEALING with Peony and/or defending Dahlia from accusations of poison. (See Vincent's section.)

OOC Crap to do/ponder: I'm just really damn happy to have Nick in a good place again. Th-this is the first time I've really felt comfortable with him since ... like ... a few months after I first got him. He was so damn borderline for the longest time, and I definitely thought about dropping him more than once. Buuut he managed to cling on, somehow, and I'm glad I didn't actually drop him. I-It helps that I'm slowly getting more confident about making him "my" character, so to speak. He's my only long-term character so far who doesn't really feel like he's my unique, definitive interpretation just yet.


Current State: ... lol. Uh. Kinda crappy! He went from zennnn-but-kinda-antsy-to-get-out-because-I-can't-screw-my-wife-here-:| to oh-god-don't-let-this-stop-because-my-daughter-is-[spoiler]-and-everything-is-falling-apart in one fell swoop. He feels very, very helpless, and was kinda on the brink of despair until Fay beat it out of him. Between being poisoned and Sakura [spoiler] and Ikki getting stabbed and ... everyone around him just keeps getting hurt, and he can't do anything about it. It's pinging him right in the emo. And it's hitting him a LOT harder than it did when it actually happened in canon, because a) he has absolutely no direction re: possibly fixing it here, and b) he can't do anything about it. So. Ninja is v. v. unhappy. If this starts turning into a rut, I'll have him go to Yuuko and do SOMETHING, but for now he's just going to try not to be horribly depressed.

Future Plans: Make him a little less depressed, of course. Have him glare at Vincent maybe. ... talk to more people who aren't his usual threaders. Kuro needs to meet people. :| I get way, waaaay too insular with him sometimes. But I'm also super-comfortable with his character, so ... I'm not terribly concerned atm.

POSTS???: One day I will finally do that anger management post. One day. Also, he needs to genderswitch eventually. Because that'll be hilarious.

OOC Crap to do/ponder: Now that I have more experience with making teh pretty Aviy-style icons, I need to go back and spruce his up. AT MINIMUM I want to clean up his more crackly-looking black icons and color in his eyes in all his icons.

Aragaki Shinjiro

Current State: Shinjiro is ... okay. He's not dead or dying a slow, horrible death, but he can't cook, and he doesn't talk to his castmates much. Which does actually make him feel kind of :| despite what he might say. (OOCly I need to have him ... talk to his canonmates more. Yeah, I fail hardcore, okay.) Also, despite the fact that he's neither dead nor dying, he still feels very ... in between. What happens if he goes home? Is he still alive? And if he is, what the hell does he do with himself?

Future Plans: Talk more to castmates and DDS people! Especially DDS people. Generally poke him and keep him moving. Shinjiro is ... probably the character who is most likely to get dropped after Shin. I feel incredibly guilty about him for multiple reasons, including the fact that a) I am still crap at threading with his castmates, and b) I feel like I completely messed up some of the development that could have been really, really good stuff, and there's no way to go back and redo it. (Basically, I feel like I short-changed his whole "I was dying and now I feel better" thing, due to ... well, various reasons! I feel like a great big whore when I play up sickness/dying/injury/chronic issues, because I really really like having my characters dealing with that stuff, but I feel guilty pushing it onto other players, and ... yeah. The point is that I didn't let him deal with that stuff enough on screen, and thus feel like I completely rushed what could have been a very interesting bit of character development. And there's no way to redo that kind of thing.)

POSTS???: Learning cooking with Argilla o/ Also, a failcooking post. Hopefully with Fuuka, if the apper for this round gets her in.

OOC Crap to do/ponder: Buy and play FES, eventually. It's not like Shinjiro gets much in the way of extra shit, but I still wanna canon review. o/

Vincent Nightlay

Current State: PLOTTING. Alllways plotting. Right now, he's in a good position! He's met a bunch of potential allies (even if he has no idea what they think of him), he has a viable poison and antidote (which he's tested already), and he got to screw with Oz's head in a way that hasn't come back to bite him in the ass yet. Awesome o/

Future Plans: Just keep him eternally plotting, I think. Every interaction is the opportunity to add something else to his toolkit of evil, so to speak. Also, need to give him a solo intro post at some point. And harass Oz more. And eventually poison the lolis. ... also needs to have some wacky playercest threads with my other characters. Kuro's taken care of for now; he still needs to get antsy at Phoenix and touch Ishida. Also, possibly needs to poison Phoenix eventually. Depending on if anyone else thinks that Nick having to (correctly!) defend Dahlia in his own murder trial would be freaking hilarious. (Because I sure do.) Needs to follow up on his psycho connections, and the not-as-psycho connections too. Aaand he needs to make more trades~ with Yuuko~ And find a doll for Rhode. ... really, Vince has a lot on his plate to follow up on. He and Phoenix are probably my two most active characters atm. With Kuro at a decently close second.

POSTS???: Uhhh dunno! Intro post? Also, psycho tea party. Bed-ninja post with Break! And something to do with his scissors. Nfufufufu~

OOC Crap to do/ponder: Just need to remember to keep him rolling all the time. I am ... slowly adjusting to playing an evil character. It's been bumpy so far (I am especially at a loss for how to play him next to fellow psychos--I'm used to playing the victim/heroic foil instead!), but I feel like I'm getting the hang of it. Maybe. ALSO I think I'm going to throw up a "Should I do evil things to you? / What kind of evil plots do you want to play with?" post eventually so I can get a bead on what sort of evil things people want Vince to do to them.
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