[OOC] Family/Background/Normalcy Headcanon

Apr 10, 2008 11:34

... lol uh. This was SUPPOSED to just be a quick description of my headcanon for Phoenix's family / living conditions, 'cause it's sort of been coming up in his conversations lately, and I wanted to have something consistent to refer back to. ... and then I decided to do it for my other characters. And THEN I started thinking about how their family life would affect their financial situations, and how their financial situations would affect their adult life, and once I got there, all I wanted to do was think about what their picket fence future would be like. s-sob.

SO. Have headcanon bits for family background/financial situation/happy endings/whatever the hell else they do when they're not being an active character in their stories. Spots where they interact with other characters is subject to change, of course. Since they involve other characters and all.

Ishida: Only child; mother is dead, father is distant, and he lives on his own. Unlikely to have much extended family, if any. Grandfather is also dead. Canon says he has extremely limited funds, to the point where he doesn't have a cell phone. So he probably has a tiny tiny tiiiiny apartment in a crappy neighborhood in the worst part of Karakura, but somehow it manages to be pretty safe. Maybe because some creep in white clothes and a cape likes to scare off burglars every now and then. Financial situation will probably improve after camp; Ryuuken paid for his apartment in the time he was "away" at camp, and with Heine, they can probably make enough money to move someplace more comfortable. (Especially if Heine becomes a popstar like in our AU, lololol. Even if he doesn't, having two people working brings in a bit more money, I'd say.) [ Mostly canon stuff + camp influences. ]

Shin: Only child; both parents are alive, but the father is a salaryman who's never around, and his mother is also busy with stuff. They probably got him into an elevator school so they wouldn't have to worry about him re: high school and college entrance exams. (He's probably going to study abroad in America at the first opportunity ... and never come back because the school / NFL / whatever refuses to let him go. Which is totally okay with him. ... Sakuraba can come too, k. And one day, when both of them are like 29, they can show up on Nick's doorstep. Possibly because Shin needs a lawyer for breaking someone and Sakuraba knows just the person to call.) [ Almost entirely non-canon. Damn ES21 for not giving me any family info on him. ]

Phoenix: Only child; both parents are dead, but he was more or less adopted into an aunt's family at a young age, so it doesn't trouble him. Said aunt had loooots of children, so she didn't have a whole heck of a lot of time for him ... but he wasn't neglected either. His family is just kind of absent. Went to Ivy College, probably on a scholarship... which paid for his undergrad stuff, but not all the law schoolage he had to do afterwards. orz. What little money he gets from being a lawyer mostly goes towards paying those debts. When he gets disbarred, he sells off/moves out of his apartment and starts living in Mia's office full time. He and Trucy move around a little, but in the end, he has to come back to Mia's office because it's honestly the cheapest place to live, seeing as how she probably owned it and bequeathed it to him. [ Family situation is non-canon; everything else is either canon or closely extrapolated. ]

Kurogane: Only child; both parents died horribly when he was about 14 or so. AKA Volume 13. Sigh. As the son of a lord (Kurogane, one of the few male political leaders in Nihon) and a priestess (Kaede, more standard political leader), he was basically set up to become the next lord of Suwa. His parents were probably busy, but not distant at all, and little Haganemaru probably had duties of his own. Was probably trained in the classical arts by tutors, and in fighting by his father and Father's attendant (Kazuo, ty Fay). After the destruction of Suwa, he was adopted into Tomoyo's Lesbian Ninja Army. ... well okay, the Lesbian part probably isn't canon, but her ninjas are a) pretty gender-ambiguous, and b) being led by Tomoyo, Sohma, and Kendappa. Who are like. CLAMP's trifecta of lesbian characters. ANYWAY. Kurogane spends the time from 14-25 being trained in the way of the ninja, and also being practically adopted into the royal family. I figure he was also being sheltered/hidden from FWR during this time. Knowing Tomoyo, this probably involved crossdressing at some point. Assuming he survives his magical multidimensional trip, he will settle down as a guardsman for Tomoyo-hime, and also as the husband of Fay. Who may or may not be an awesome politician. Either way, they'd happily take care of Sakura and/or Syaoran (assuming they a) survive and b) want to stay in Nihon) and possibly some other orphans. ... unless Tomoyo and Yuuko make an evil plot to give them a child. Which. Knowing Yuuko and Tomoyo... [ Mostly canon, plus fluffy-wuffy fangirly extrapolation. Also, lesbians. ]

Shinjiro: Only child; both parents died early, so he was left in an orphanage with Akihiko and Miki. Said orphanage burned down at some point, killing Miki. Bummer. Probably spent most of his early life close to Akihiko. If he ever got adopted, he probably got returned for being a real grump. :| Eventually, he gets old enough to go to middleschool, at which point SEES scoops him up and offers him a dorm to live in. For totally altruistic reasons, of course. He learns how to cook and probably feeds both himself and Akihiko. Things go okay until Persona stuff starts up, he kills someone, and ... everything goes downhill. Becomes a druggie hobo. :| Didn't go to school much after that; mostly just hangs out in the spot where he killed that woman, taking odd jobs where he can. Probably had sex at least once, if not more. Eventually Akihiko drags him back onto the team, and he dies within a month. Bummer. [ Canon + close extrapolation. ]

... if Shinjiro were to return to the team because of camp resurrection, he'd probably end up like ... slowly reintegrating into normal life. He couldn't go back to school, 'cause. They kinda had a funeral for him. And that'd be awkward. But Mitsuru's got connections, and she could probably help set him up with something resembling a normal life. He never really relearns how to cook, but he tries anyway, and eventually becomes pretty damn good at making ramen. So he opens his own shop. And that's really about as happy as Shinjiro can be. [ Fluffy-wuffy extrapolation, obviously. ]

Vincent: One elder brother; god knows where his real family is. lololol canon. UH. Basically, mysterious stuff happened, one way or another. Vincent ends up losing part (or possibly none; we'll see) of his memories and being adopted by the Nightlay family. He is THOROUGHLY MISERABLE until they happen to find Gil, and then he is incredibly yay about having brother back. Despite their ages, Vincent is the heir apparent to the Nightlay house and is treated as such. He grows up as a pleasant, if slightly deranged child, and is mostly normal ... if you ignore some of his uh. Unusual hobbies. (I imagine he played games like "fake poison" with Gil, and also worked up a resistance to iocaine powder rather than develop a real sex drive. gg Vince.) Got into Pandora eventually, possibly to follow Gil, and possibly to further his own agenda. Who knows what he's up to. Besides him, anyway. Vincent gets no happy ending. Even if he survives, he's still a messed up guy who will probably be given poetic justice one way or the other. [ canon + close extrapolation. ]


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