
Jan 15, 2011 22:10

I have waffled my evening away, and after such a pleasant day too! We kept my friend's daughter, Ella, for the day, and it was downright delightful. Joe got up early with the children because he spoils me like that. I heard Ella come in around 8:30, but I think it was well after 9 when Joe mentioned Art may want my attention soon. I hopped in the shower, helped Art down for his nap, and entered the kitchen around 10 am. Coco and Ella were having a snack. Joe tagged out and began a late morning nap. The girls and I enjoyed Play-dough and our backyard before lunch. They napped in the afternoon; Art did not, but he hung in there just fine. We offered to take my friend and Ella to dinner to catch up and see how her divorce is going. We came home; Art and Coco went to sleep. I thought about going to the gym. I picked up the house and spent some time with our newest, person-fearing cat, Sun. (It was so-so time, but I wasn't discouraged.) I thought about going to the gym. I surfed the Net. I thought about going for a late night jog in our neighborhood because it was too late to go to the gym. I played a silly iPod touch game. I told Joe I was going to put on my sneakers to "run." Alas he wanted to go to the grocery store instead. Since he had been patiently waiting for me to make up my mind about exercising for two hours I quickly said he should go and I would stay. Perhaps I shall do some floor exercises instead. It is much too late to get sweaty, and I'd like to have another visit with Sun before bedtime.

A different friend and I went to a painting (with wine) class last night, and we each painted a pretty flower. It was really, really fun. We signed up half-price through Groupon, and Living Social (another Groupon-like site) had a half-price deal for a bigger picture class at the same studio. We're going to do it again. Maybe I'll become a recreational painter? Probably not. But there's some part of me that really enjoys creating. I like creating a welcoming home, but that's quickly undone. I enjoy knitting, but there's little use for hats and scarves in Florida. We don't really have extra space in our home for creative hobbies like painting or sewing. Maybe if I were willing to work in the garage or after I put Art and Coco in the same room I could use the extra bedroom. Or I could pick a culinary art, but that's also fleeting.

Speaking of rooms, our home's value went down 6% according to Zillow. I'm a little bummed. We don't have plans to sell any time soon, but it's still a little disheartening. We're thinking about buying a used minivan, but the seller on Craig's List hasn't returned my initial inquiry. I'm wondering if my message is lost in his junk mail, but what can I do about it? Ah, well, what's meant to be and all that. We'd have to borrow our emergency fund in order to buy this month (we'd repay once we sold the CRV and got our tax refund), and we can get by without a bigger vehicle for awhile. I'm just hoping to buy a rear-facing, convertible car seat for Art with a high weight and height limit, and most models would be cramped in the CRV.

And He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? (Luke 24:38)
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