(no subject)

Jun 06, 2010 08:28


1. chlorophyta
2. onefourwejump
3. xxow

Thank you to everyone that's helped, be it through energy and thoughts or cash. EVERYTHING IS APPRECIATED.
I will be opening for more after these are finished.
For those of you that have talked to Ian or myself about wanting one but didn't get in my three slots, DON'T WORRY. Email either one of us and we'll take care of you.

examples of what Tyber's sketches and art look like:

Tyber's SketchBook on Gutterflowers.com (most recent but very unfinished sketches)
Tyber's LJ Sketch ScrapBook (less recent, but pages worth of work)
Tyber's LJ Finished Work ScrapBook (not recent at all simply because of a lack of recent finished works)

Updates on Dougal:

As of last night, Dougal's meds were working so well that he tried to bound/run the flights of stairs up to the apartment (which we stopped him from doing). He's been play bowing (which was impossible for him on 6/4-6/5), playing with Midas and Chen (limited play just due to us stopping him and his needing rest) and the cats (aka: running at them and dive bombing them).

He's been flipping toys, spinning circles, and bouncing about every chance he can get before we get him to calm down and lay still for a bit.

His walks are going fine, and he flew into the SUV this morning before we could try to just help him in.

He was showing small amounts of soreness last night after sleeping for a while, but that will be helped with the new bed, which we order the moment we get back from Virginia on Tuesday night.

We want to thank everyone again for all the help. It's made our spendings less tight and it means we're slowly getting back towards being able to get Dougal's teeth pulled sooner than later.

dog rehab, commisions, art, dougal

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