Aug 15, 2005 10:53
dave, mike, and i, along with three overflowing packs, a box of stolen food, and a shitty guitar, are all crammed into maddog's two-door 1980 celica. The thing is amazing in that "holy-shit, are you crazy?!" sort of way. two of the rims are painted "John Deer" yellow, which matches the spoiler, the rest of the car is a mix between rust and faded royal blue, with the exception of the pale yellow hood we just installed. We're heading east from here to Yosemite for some kind of backpacking adventure.
As for the company, dave is by far the most motivated of the party, with me somewhere in the middle, and mike basicly along for the ride. by the end of this week i recon i'll be fully speaking in heaps of aussie slang.
leaving camp sucked ass. i was hungover and emotionally drained, and it was a dreary foggy morning. saying goodbye to james was a long tearful event in the middle of the meadow... saying goodbye to laura and sarah nearly broke my heart. i'm not good at saying goodbye, and leaving camp is huge.
now i'm in oakland with julie, brittany, mike, and dave. camp detox step 1. the sierra adventure will be step 2.