Mar 31, 2012 01:12
Either you knew what this post was about or you thought that was just another weird subject line from Somewanker. :-)
At this time last week, I was watching Psychic TV in concert in Baltimore. A lady friend invited me, and I said yes with great happy. I didn't think they even toured anymore, but apparently they did just a few dates. No idea why Baltimore at Sonar. Not a big crowd. But damn they were good. I had head of them and read about Genesis, but had never heard them. They ruled. Their current sound is sort of Pink Floyd but not quite, certainly not a copy, as I doubt they copy anyone - although they did play two covers. Their encore was probably my favorite song they played, a cover of "Hurry on Sundown" by Hawkwind. Turns out there is a video of that online from a concert down under a few weeks back, so very happy me being able to listen to it again. (And again.)
I can't say which album to buy. I had my common "I must now buy all their music" reaction which in this case would be a serious challenge. For one thing they hold the record for most albums released on one year, and have been around for 30 or so. I was gifted their newest, and listened to it happily on the way home.
In other news, horribly busy at work, tired a lot, hoping to see people more (still) and looking forward to my upcoming birthday; I prefer getting old to the other option. Gonna postpone hamburger time as long as possible!