Feb 07, 2003 14:10
I am crammed into the computer room at the library waiting desperately for WSU to e-mail me. They are going to pass down their resolution on the 'Mike is a Moron' issue. I feel like Iraq because I am trying to tell them I am not a moron, but they don't believe, yet secretly I am trying to disguise my moronicness. This could get better, but I think things could get worse... if this doesn't work out I am SOL. I lost my 5 day weekend too... hahaha, it was nice while it lasted. I went to French today and I didn't do too badly. I talked to some Canadian from Alberta who is going to be my America: From New World to Disney World teacher today. I said my name was Mike and he said something that I've heard once or twice here, 'Oh you are Mike the American.' I feel like William the Conqueror or Eric the Red or Richard the Lionhearted or you get the idea... I've always wanted a title, but I feel so... so... non-homogeneous... okay okay, who saw that word coming... some of you think that means that I feel not gay...
Shucks, I wish the mouse on this PC worked better. It was been really frustrating. I sit there with it in my hand and move the ball around on it. I sit there for fifteen minutes trying to get the mouse over and when I manage to I make a big scene with a celebration that rivals a soccer player. I take my shirt off and swing it around, I slide on my knees, jump on the person next to me... you know, typical things, really... really? Yes, really.
A side note from the random babbling. I am listening to the Audioslave CD and I must say I don't hate it as much as other people. The reason you wonder (if you have no idea what I am rambling about just skip below). I look at it as Soundgarden's next album, the follow up to Down on the Upside. I think too many people were hoping for the new Rage cd, not the new Soundgarden. So, I understand their disappointment to an extent, but c'mon... shadow on the sun... what does that make you think of...
I went to some Latin Bar/Club called Copacobanna. It was fun enough, but when tequila is a pound for a shot, then well, most things are. I met a bunch of new imports, it was nice enough...
I am going to go and check on this job I applied for at a bookstore... do you think I got it? No, me neither, it was nice thought though, wasn't it?
Why does the security guard here push his way through a very tight row of people to tell some girl at the end of the isle that her water bottle is okay because it has a sports top, then turn and walk away? The answer... she is Asian.
I refuse to be so cruel to so many nice people, I think I am going to walk to my flat, eat an orange, wash my hands, and then walk back... maybe I'll have received my e-mail by then...
Mike the American